New Manufacturer: Cave Campers - 750 lbs, $<10k, high quality


Fort typical low cost hard-goods the lines are very fuzzy.
With RV's there is a LOT more to it, and the lines are pretty clear.
I promise you that, as I myself have gone down that road.

And to be clear, this is very specific to the thread title, and that magical word "manufacturer"
There are many reasons camper companies avoid it like the plague, and opt for other ways to do business.

Unless Cave can confirm that they are a licensed RV manufacturer, Ill continue to believe that they are not, and the thread title is misleading.


this is the manufacturing plant 30 miles from my house in canada.... they claim to be making this unit.

the google street view:!1seR21BwuVkJf6ld4IJn8Cdg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Manufacturing meaning you do most of the work. It s fine to sub contract parts and elements... but it mean been hands on developpement and building

My impression is Cave Campers is Rebranding product. That mean buying generic product from someone else and selling them as your own product line. Nothing wrong with this.... there could be a need for a nice simple and very high quality build camper like this. And lets be clear...the construction of those is top notch...they are amazingly build for MTC purpose...cold temp , off road etc.

Roger M.

Too obvious of an agenda for my taste.

When one camper company starts repeatedly badmouthing another camper company ... I leave.

The Artisan

Too obvious of an agenda for my taste.

When one camper company starts repeatedly badmouthing another camper company ... I leave.
There is no badmouthing, its an observation. The product is nice and will fit peoples needs. It would be like me buying a maggiolina, taking the name off it and putting my name on it. Then said I produce these....

Roger M.

No, it's nothing of the sort like that.

Maggiolina sell their own product to the public under their own name, the company doing the manufacturing for Cave Campers doesn't sell to the public, talk to the public, or have anything to do with the public.

They manufacture camper shells wholesale for other companies to finish off, and then sell to whatever market they feel their finished product will work well in.

This is a single poster attempting to create a problem where a problem simply doesn't exist.


No, it's nothing of the sort like that.

Maggiolina sell their own product to the public under their own name, the company doing the manufacturing for Cave Campers doesn't sell to the public, talk to the public, or have anything to do with the public.

They manufacture camper shells wholesale for other companies to finish off, and then sell to whatever market they feel their finished product will work well in.

This is a single poster attempting to create a problem where a problem simply doesn't exist.

Before you get too huffy puffy, I suggest you look into what actual restrictions and requirements are required to be recognized as a manufacturer.

Also take a look at my posts from the very beginning. I'm not "badmouthing" the product or the company.
What I am doing, since recent posts show that they do not in fact manufacture the units, is questioning if they are actually set up as a manufacturer.

With your latest example, Maggiolina, I don't believe they claim to be the MFG. Like you said, they simply sell them under their own name.

There is a difference.


They are a manufacturer by modern definitions in the marketplace

I don't think semantics should get a debate going on this guys intro of his company's product. There isn't a manufacturer out there that makes anything on their own. Many in fact that do nothing other than put paint or stickers on. Aircraft, cars, electronics, etc. There is a massive supply chain for every industry and the one closest to the customer, providing the branding, sales info, marketing, warranty and customer service is always called a manufacturer.


Toro garden equipment does not manufacture a single part in their mowers. Consumers don't care one bit where or how something is produced. They don't care whether something is ethically produced. The exceptions are rare. All they care about is getting what they want as cheaply as possible.


Wow , this thread went sideways. If cave is indeed buying a shell, then outfitting the interior to suit the buyers needs and wants on an individual basis
then yes, they are a manufacturer of a product. Seems simple to me. Nice little unit by the way.

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