New Pajero Owner - Any Suggestions on Passing Emissions?


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Hello All,

New owner of an '89 Pajero, 2.5 TD. Will have the truck in soon and will have to pass emissions before I can title it. We're outside Nashville, TN and our county requires any vehicles post 1974 to pass emissions, gasoline and diesel engines (insert emissions scam comment here). Being a 27 year old truck (and besides the tractor I drove around to pick up golf balls in high school, having no experience whatsoever with a diesel engine), I'm a little antsy about the testing. Anybody have any experience or suggestions on helping the new hoss to pass? I believe if you fail they are a little more nosy when you go back in for re-testing.


I know here on socal.there isn't much to the diesel smog test. I'd just see what happens.

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Drive it like you stole it for about 15 minutes, making sure to rev it most the way up to red line when accelerating, it blows all the old soot and buildup out of the exhaust, which generally makes diesels fail emissions. You could change the fuel filter fill the filter with fuel treatment when you refit it, which got my car through the emissions test here a few years ago.

If you're worried about the smoke opacity you can stick some washers under the waste gate bracket, it boosts a bit higher and burns the fuel more cleanly, however on an emissions test where they just rev the engine it won't do much as there won't be much boost as there is no load on the engine.
For a diesel of that age I don't see much expectation set for the emissions, as there is no cat in the exhaust, so it is more about how cleanly it burns the fuel

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I think the diesel test is just a idle smoke test. Visual. Look around for a place that will just pass it. I'll ask my brother where they send cars to. He's in Brentwood.

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Ok my bro said its govt but they look for soot/smoke and altered emissions stuff on 2001 and up. He said its pretty loose/easy.

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