Hey everyone, I just defected from the Jeep forum when I sold my XJ and got this Jimmy. I found her on Craigslist for $800. It kind of has some odd options for a base model truck such as a 400 ci engine (newly rebuilt) and cruise control. I was amazed to find the owned manual and and a manual for a Warn Belleview winch in the glove box. When I was talking to the owned he told me that he had bought it from the original owner in October and that it had a camper on it. After talking for awhile he mentioned that he had torn up the camper but I could have it too if I wanted it. All he did was take out the bed foam cabinet, no pics of the camper yet since I don't have it home but I'll post them up after I retreive it. So without further adue I present what my wife has affectionatly named 'Mean Green'