New REI Cot - Initial Review


Yeah, I saw that it looked as though it was bungee suspension... but is it really just one complete bungee cord? I could understand 6 or so big ones intertwined, but if it's just one, and it breaks due to abrasion or the no sock dance then you'd be SOL, right?

There are actually 4 large bungees. One on the top where your head goes, one on the bottom where you feet go, and one on either side of where your torso goes. THe "breaking" of one was my initial thought, but I decided that even if one brakes, it can easily be retied by missing one or two loops, and still provide ample support. Otherwise, it would be VERY easy to get rid of the whole bungee and tie it with some cord or rope.

matt s

Can I ask a favor. Would you be willing to measure the dimensions of the opening between the two main legs? I am wondering if it would fit over my wheel well.


Can I ask a favor. Would you be willing to measure the dimensions of the opening between the two main legs? I am wondering if it would fit over my wheel well.

No Problem. I will have to do it tomorrow, but I will get the measurements for you (sorry my friend is borrowing my tape measure right now)


Can I ask a favor. Would you be willing to measure the dimensions of the opening between the two main legs? I am wondering if it would fit over my wheel well.

Ah, not a bad idea... but keep in mind if you're looking to sleep in vehicle with tailgate closed, then you're gonna need measurements for the head to legs and foot to legs, to make sure it will fit in there!

If 2 would fit inside an XJ with enough room for say a peapod, even with the tailgate open (and a tailgate tent, of course) then I'd be all all over this setup! anyone have any thoughts if that would be possible?


Ah, not a bad idea... but keep in mind if you're looking to sleep in vehicle with tailgate closed, then you're gonna need measurements for the head to legs and foot to legs, to make sure it will fit in there!

If 2 would fit inside an XJ with enough room for say a peapod, even with the tailgate open (and a tailgate tent, of course) then I'd be all all over this setup! anyone have any thoughts if that would be possible?

I will draw up a schematic with all the relevent measurments for everyone later tonight and scan it in today or tomorrow for ya'll


perhaps the extra lbs. you've packed on have come at the expense of those handsome, yet now half-empty bottles o' booze so nicely displayed (and within easy reach of the cot). :friday:

as for the cot, nice. i "need" one... and my REI dividend is burning a hole in my wallet.


perhaps the extra lbs. you've packed on have come at the expense of those handsome, yet now half-empty bottles o' booze so nicely displayed (and within easy reach of the cot). :friday:

as for the cot, nice. i "need" one... and my REI dividend is burning a hole in my wallet.

HAHAHA the funny thing is, that is a fully stocked bar in our apt, yet we dont drink at all. Most of the bottles on the bar have not been opened (been there for 3 years). Only one that we have opened is the 151 for cooking, teh rest are friends that use us for our bar..haha.

Dont ask me why we decided to get a bar and stock it when we dont drink. haha just thought it would be cool I guess. :coffeedrink:


That looks like a great setup. How bulky is it to transport? I'm thinking unless you have a truck ....

My hefty man Slumberjack cot + REI inflatable 3" pad= ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

matt s

Ah, not a bad idea... but keep in mind if you're looking to sleep in vehicle with tailgate closed, then you're gonna need measurements for the head to legs and foot to legs, to make sure it will fit in there!

If 2 would fit inside an XJ with enough room for say a peapod, even with the tailgate open (and a tailgate tent, of course) then I'd be all all over this setup! anyone have any thoughts if that would be possible?

Yeah I wondered about that. And having those measurements would be good.

My bed is 6' 3'' long (actual measurement inside) plus since it's a blazer the front seats fold forward so I figure I can get another 6 to 8 inches.

Cabelas has one of these that is only 72'' total length but this REI one looks a little better.


Yeah I wondered about that. And having those measurements would be good.

My bed is 6' 3'' long (actual measurement inside) plus since it's a blazer the front seats fold forward so I figure I can get another 6 to 8 inches.

Cabelas has one of these that is only 72'' total length but this REI one looks a little better.

I have all the measurements taken and something drawn up but I cannot scan it in until I get to work tomorrow.

FYI, the total length when flat is 82". However 27.5" of that is the upper portion that can rotate up making it like a chair back. (You will understand when I post the measurements.


However 27.5" of that is the upper portion that can rotate up making it like a chair back. (You will understand when I post the measurements.

I've had cots in the past that had a tilt/chair type option and they never worked out well. Unless the middle portion angles upward, you'll end up sliding off of the cot, especially in a sleeping bag.

Actually, I'd just return that cot and pick up a Roll-a-Cot with an REI Camp Bed 3.5". A suspension cot, like the Roll-a-Cot with 3.5" of pad on top is real comfortable. That's what I use and it's got the comfort, insulation and cushioning for whatever my needs are. Plus it weighs a whole lot less and packs down smaller.

As you get more gear, you'll be needing the space.


I've had cots in the past that had a tilt/chair type option and they never worked out well. Unless the middle portion angles upward, you'll end up sliding off of the cot, especially in a sleeping bag.

Actually, I'd just return that cot and pick up a Roll-a-Cot with an REI Camp Bed 3.5". A suspension cot, like the Roll-a-Cot with 3.5" of pad on top is real comfortable. That's what I use and it's got the comfort, insulation and cushioning for whatever my needs are. Plus it weighs a whole lot less and packs down smaller.

As you get more gear, you'll be needing the space.

I cannot see how I would slide out of this one, as the cot itself hangs down like a hammock since it is not taught but suspended with bunjee, so it cradles you inside the frame.




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