I recently picked up from what I gather is a Version 2 of the rack for a D1.
The first version is the same as second version but was lower profile and required removing the stock roof rails :
The second version was taller than the first and didn't require removing the stock roof rails, as pictured here on my truck:
The third and current version has the cutouts to allow the rack to sit lower around the stock roof rails:
V1 & V2 are the same other than height from what i can tell. Other differences between V1 & V2 and V3 are:
Light mounting : V1 & V2 have five flat L shaped brackets whereas the V3 has four round tabs on the front
Foot placement : V1 & V2 have the feel placed in the center of the spans save for the rear one whereas V3 has all of the feet centered under the downtubes.
Top upper side tubes: V1 & V2 are rounded, V3 has a kink that matches the lower side tube.
The only thing between the V1 & V2 and V3 that bugs me is the foot placement. The tube that the foot contacts could deform in between the downtubes over time if heavy loads are carried repeatedly. The fact the feet aren't directly over the A, B and C pillars is a small niggle but its something that should be looked into in future revisions. On the SD racks the feet are at those points but on other racks such as the Hannibal they are not, long term who knows. I personally think it is more sound to transmit the load onto the supporting columns than onto just the gutter over the panel openings..
Just my observations. Now that I've said that I will say that i do quite like my BajaRack. It fits the bill for what i'm looking for, plus the fact you dont have to go and add chicken coop flooring to support smaller loads is a big plus in my book.