New standard for over the top ground tent?


Well-known member
He nailed the number one problem with EVERY tent. If you pack up wet.... you MUST set it up to dry it out. Forever this is the drawback to RTTs, tent trailers, tents. At least the small back packer tents are small, simple, quick to set up and dry.

I built my Square Drop because when I park in the dark, in the rain, I just park and roll into bed. If I wake up to rain.... or snow. I roll out of bed and drive away. When I get home.... I uncouple the trailer and go to work knowing it is ready to go next weekend.... no need to air things out.

I am the ultimate sales guy for the Teardrop/Squaredrop community. If you think the RTT is competition not so, tents are about back packing, canoeing, mountaineering. If you are driving the advantage of a ground tent is cost and inconvenience. There are many choices, cost effective choices if you are sleeping within 10' that do not involve tents.
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