New Suzuki Jimny 2015 with Stability control and traction control

Omar Brannstrom


Some news from the world

Remember that Sweden Suzuki did not import Jimny anymore in 2005 because it lacks stability control and failed the famous moose test.

Now with traction control it will be very good in terrain. And with a stability control less chance of rollovers.

I can say that vehicles with roof rack could be dangerous and if it lacks stability control even more dangerous

Look at this video


The Jimny in the Mongol rally, many rollovers. Intresting readings

More about the new jimny

Scott Brady

Interesting. The new Jimny looks good and seems like only a minor exterior change. The addition of ABS and ESC is a good thing IMHO, particularly on that car.


Coincidentally, we just posted an adventure piece in Iceland, featuring the ever-awesome Jimny!



A lot of it is going to depend on how you drive it. If you drive a Jimny like bat out of hell—especially one with a roof load and a lift—you're running the risk of rolling it. That video is a perfect example. It looks like the driver was hot-footing it then went for a sharp turn. What else would the driver expect to happen? It's not a sports car! Try the same thing in a lifted 4Runner, Land Cruiser, Discovery, or Wrangler with a roof load and you'd likely end up with the same result. Lifted 4x4s are generally not great at high-speed cornering.

There are plenty of places a Suzuki Jimny (or any other lifted 4WD, for that matter) will go that "proper cars" cannot thanks to that extra ground clearance, low-range 4WD, and solid rear axle. However, you can't drive it like you'd drive a regular car. I own a '95 Suzuki Sidekick (Vitara); I should know. :)

I have not done the Mongol Rally and perhaps a Jimny isn't the best vehicle for that type of event—I really don't know. However, there are plenty of lifted 4WD vehicles with roof racks that don't regularly go azz over teakettle—and that includes older Jimnys.

This whole thing reminds me of the Consumer ReportsSuzuki Samurai debacle from the 1980s/1990s.

That being said, I'd buy that white Jimny hardtop in a SECOND if I could!


I've a 2000 soft top 1.3 petrol one with a 2.5 inch lift and some pretty big tyres,and I wouldn't say it felt overly "tippy" compared to anything else. They are bone shakers on standard suspension,and that gets worsened by lifting it. Think the main reason for the bounce shimmy you get with them is the ratio of sprung to unsprung weight,2 axles and the associated bits combined with a small and light body,and an alloy engine probably makes it behave the way it does.

Suzuki are going in the same direction as landrover did with the defender,fixing stuff that isn't too high up the list of priorities and leaving gapingly obvious faults untouched,like the shocks unbolting themselves,or the kingpin bearings that are made of chocolate, and the panhard rods that have a similar tensile strength as a garden hose. Instead they add abs and esc,something that has been standard on most cars for the last 15 years.


bad idea play whit a jimny whit so much weight on the roof, I take extra care!!:smiley_drive:

Omar Brannstrom

Had my 2000 year Jimny for 12 years. Then wanted a newer 4x4. And They did not sell them anymore in Sweden because it lacked esp and failed the moose test.

Here is my old Jimny against then my new 2012 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2 door that I bought in 2012.


I really liked the small Jimny







My jimny was the same...

I had lifted it 3.5 inches and put on 29 inch tyres

Combined with a alloy roof rack it made for a very wobbly ride... to the point I actually manged to get a back outside wheel off the ground (according to a friend following me) which scared the **** out of my boss in the passenger seat! But to me it was a normal drive

I never used to speed every were due to the fact our maximum speed limit in Jersey is 40 MPH but once I took it to France on the motor way it was the last straw...

It felt like being in a paint mixing machine which got sucked towards the overtaking trucks because I could just about get 60 out of it with one revving the tots off it..

All that aside I still loved it... very simple to work on but mechanically sound, very torqey engine for its size which handled a few towing tasks, and absolutely amazing off road... only being out matched once by the bigger land rovers and land cruisers which I think was simply down to driver error or the fact that all the bigger toys had to engage both diff locks installed to get over the obstacle!

I may end up with one again but simply as a play toy... that's were the jimny is worth its weight in gold





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