Picked up a 2007 GMC 3500 with the 6.0 and quigley 4x4 package. Has 120k miles. Didn't want a extended one, -'d wanted the sliding door. Wheels were put on 16 miles before I purchased, receipt included. Paid $12k OTD. Couldn't really find much to compare it to, so hope I didn't spend to much.
Questions. Is this van lifted/ does quigley lift them? I'm getting rub from the front, and the sliding door doesn't open all the way cause it hits the tire. Don't really want it much higher....
Second, selling all the shelves on craigslist. Also has a big converter thing with a spare battery. What should I list that for on craigslist? Also, what key words should I use.
Third, my handle/arm rest on the passenger door fell off. Looks like some of the screws/tabs are broke. Previous person had it siliconed on. Any suggestions on a product to use to tightly secure it?
Last, any tips on locating a bench seat to mount behind the front seats?
Thanks- Matt
Questions. Is this van lifted/ does quigley lift them? I'm getting rub from the front, and the sliding door doesn't open all the way cause it hits the tire. Don't really want it much higher....
Second, selling all the shelves on craigslist. Also has a big converter thing with a spare battery. What should I list that for on craigslist? Also, what key words should I use.
Third, my handle/arm rest on the passenger door fell off. Looks like some of the screws/tabs are broke. Previous person had it siliconed on. Any suggestions on a product to use to tightly secure it?
Last, any tips on locating a bench seat to mount behind the front seats?
Thanks- Matt