New to me 4x4 quigley van


New member
Picked up a 2007 GMC 3500 with the 6.0 and quigley 4x4 package. Has 120k miles. Didn't want a extended one, -'d wanted the sliding door. Wheels were put on 16 miles before I purchased, receipt included. Paid $12k OTD. Couldn't really find much to compare it to, so hope I didn't spend to much.

Questions. Is this van lifted/ does quigley lift them? I'm getting rub from the front, and the sliding door doesn't open all the way cause it hits the tire. Don't really want it much higher....

Second, selling all the shelves on craigslist. Also has a big converter thing with a spare battery. What should I list that for on craigslist? Also, what key words should I use.

Third, my handle/arm rest on the passenger door fell off. Looks like some of the screws/tabs are broke. Previous person had it siliconed on. Any suggestions on a product to use to tightly secure it?

Last, any tips on locating a bench seat to mount behind the front seats?

Thanks- Matt


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New member
Looks nice! I would keep that convertor and second battery set up. What are your plans for the van?

My plans are to just put a bench in there for the kids. Then sometimes haul a bike in the back. Will be my daily driver and will be towing a 24ft trailer. No need for the inverter really. When I'm camping I'll be staying in my trailer that has a generator


New member
Any one have a idea about how much I can get for inverter? Don't want to price it low when I could potentially get a lot more.

Listed all the shelving for $250 and have several people interested. Now I'm thinking I listed that too low lol


New member
You didn't over pay. AWD Savana/Express list for same or more in many cases even with higher mileage. Same van as yours for sale with close to 200k and is asking $12k.


New member
You didn't over pay. AWD Savana/Express list for same or more in many cases even with higher mileage. Same van as yours for sale with close to 200k and is asking $12k.

Thanks for the re-encouragement. I justified it by saying, really only paid $11,000 before taxes. Then it had new wheels that cost $1200 which would have been the first thing I buy. So that brings it down to $9800. Then selling stuff off it for $300 brings it too $9500. If that makes any since lol


New member
Thanks for the info. Now to figure out if I can sell it easily. Would be cool with a couple hundred, shipping looks to be out of the question with weight though.

Guess I'll throw it on craigslist, may be one of those things that take 6 months to sell....


Expedition Leader
Personally, I'd keep the inverter... but that said, I'm a little biased.

I've got 3 sine wave inverters. The kids love the 19" TV/DVD player. Being able to charge devices, run laptops, lights, etc.


New member
Personally, I'd keep the inverter... but that said, I'm a little biased.

I've got 3 sine wave inverters. The kids love the 19" TV/DVD player. Being able to charge devices, run laptops, lights, etc.

I got a little $20 inverter that I can plug into the cigarette lighter and charge laptops and used it before to watch a 19 inch flat screen TV, works great. I personally have no need for a $3,000, thousands of watts inverter. Not trying to microwave some food and run a table saw while going down the road. Lol


Damn! I've got a Dimensions inverter in my motorhome. I had no idea they were big $$$ like that. Not sure mine's pure sine though.

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