New to me 4x4 quigley van


New member
Damn! I've got a Dimensions inverter in my motorhome. I had no idea they were big $$$ like that. Not sure mine's pure sine though.

Your not far from me. Come buy this one then you can have two!

Listed it on craigslist in the general section. Looks like people use these in vans, RV's, cabins, etc. so maybe eventually someone will be interested. Pulled it out already and set it on the shelf. Got it for $300 on there.

Got the wall and most of the shelving pulled yesterday. Placed my conversion bed in the van. Got to mount it in today. Praying I can simply drill the holes and bolt it down, and not
Have stuff in the way. One of my previous vans was easy, another I couldn't put the seat where I wanted cause stuff underneath the van was in the way.


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Expedition Leader
Can't conceive of why it'd be so big $

I've got a Samplex 2000 watt pure sine and it was about $300 usd new. I can't see getting that much for a used one. My 300 w Pure sine only cost me a case of beer... It originally was about $200 usd new.


New member
Ya, idk why they cost so much...

Got a problem maybe someone can help me out with. The arms rest/door handle on the passenger side fell off. Some tabs were broken off and silicone had been applied to hold it on. What's a good way to mount the handle permanly? Thinking some sort of "super" caulk

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