well it's opened and drained, so it's easy to pull it apart and find out. Pull the clips, pull the axles and check those bearings for wear / damage and if none observed dig deeper. It's just a few more bolts...
wouldn't hurt to change all those bearings sets while it is apart. You're already doing 90% of the work anyway.
Cheapest deal would be getting the replacement seals, at least then you can pull it all apart and put it back together with the same bearings, if nothing is visibly wrong with them.
It will be very easy to spot any issue, wear, slop, bluing / heat discoloration. How did the gear oil smell? Burned? Was it the bearing noise that drove you to crack it open in the first place, or did you discover the noise after you had it open? In other words how pronounced was the noise while on the road, if at all?
Yes, I will go ahead and replace all the bearings I can get to. I don't like doing things twice. I'm just not sure if any/all of the gears need replacing.
I opened the rear end due to an unknown scuffing sound.
However, I'm going to have to put everything on hold for a couple months. Had ankle surgery to fix some ligament issues.

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