I've been looking for an Outfitter Juno 10 and finally lucked out. Found a used 4 month old 2015 significantly discounted.
First, the good. The price. It was fairly dirty and well used in the 4 months the guy had it but it cleaned up nicely:
The extras he had installed: 300w solar, 2000w inverter, yakima racks, a/c, hide a bed, oven, 10' awning, all led lights, extra cabinet, 2 four gallon locking rotopax, outside speakers and outlets and a few others I'm probably forgetting. 430ah of battery life. 50gal of water capacity including water heater. The tent room was a must for our St Bernard:
or two
or three
I love how they store the batteries. In our last camper they were on the outside of the camper and the temps would fluctuate too much. Outfitters system is much better. Stored under the dinette in a compartment vented to the outside. I was also glad to see they used 2/0 wire.
The new construction is also nice. Molded sides from cabover to the back door where it meets up with the back section. You can see the seam here:
No seams along the rest of the camper:
The bad. He bumped a jack on a tree and caused a little damage to it. it was repaired at a shop and appears to be fine. I talked with the guys at Outfitter and they said that jack is backed by a steel plate so it shouldn't have caused any issues and worst case scenario, they could replace that panel for $500. He camped by the ocean and stored it by the ocean. There is quite a bit of rust in a few places already. Nothing too concerning but I hate rust. I'll just have to remove rust and repaint. Pics of jack damage and rust:
jack back on
He also had them add a spare tire mount on the roof but decided it was too heavy. I'll likely just remove it and seal up the holes. It's a big steel bracket that spans the width of the roof.
Only camped one night so far on my drive back to CO. It was windy but the walls didn't shake at all which i was happy about. I drove back in 40mph winds gusting to 60 almost the whole drive. It handled the wind better than I expected. It's nice to be able to access the dinette, oven and bathroom with the top down as well. We'll have it up in the mountains soon and I'll report back with more as well as an official weight once I get to the scales.
First, the good. The price. It was fairly dirty and well used in the 4 months the guy had it but it cleaned up nicely:
The extras he had installed: 300w solar, 2000w inverter, yakima racks, a/c, hide a bed, oven, 10' awning, all led lights, extra cabinet, 2 four gallon locking rotopax, outside speakers and outlets and a few others I'm probably forgetting. 430ah of battery life. 50gal of water capacity including water heater. The tent room was a must for our St Bernard:
or two
or three
I love how they store the batteries. In our last camper they were on the outside of the camper and the temps would fluctuate too much. Outfitters system is much better. Stored under the dinette in a compartment vented to the outside. I was also glad to see they used 2/0 wire.
The new construction is also nice. Molded sides from cabover to the back door where it meets up with the back section. You can see the seam here:
No seams along the rest of the camper:
The bad. He bumped a jack on a tree and caused a little damage to it. it was repaired at a shop and appears to be fine. I talked with the guys at Outfitter and they said that jack is backed by a steel plate so it shouldn't have caused any issues and worst case scenario, they could replace that panel for $500. He camped by the ocean and stored it by the ocean. There is quite a bit of rust in a few places already. Nothing too concerning but I hate rust. I'll just have to remove rust and repaint. Pics of jack damage and rust:
jack back on
He also had them add a spare tire mount on the roof but decided it was too heavy. I'll likely just remove it and seal up the holes. It's a big steel bracket that spans the width of the roof.
Only camped one night so far on my drive back to CO. It was windy but the walls didn't shake at all which i was happy about. I drove back in 40mph winds gusting to 60 almost the whole drive. It handled the wind better than I expected. It's nice to be able to access the dinette, oven and bathroom with the top down as well. We'll have it up in the mountains soon and I'll report back with more as well as an official weight once I get to the scales.