New (to me) Samurai


The trip this weekend was a lot of fun, despite the crazy amounts of wind we fought on the way back. The Zuk is gutless as it is, fighting a 50mph headwind didn't help a bit.
Spring is in full force on the prairie and everything was green and beautiful.

Taken at Cowley County Lake
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr

I was very happy we were able to find a road sign. It was missing on the other end.
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr

Dam at Fall River
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr

The good life!
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr

Teter Rock
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr

Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr

Beauty of the Flint Hills in Spring
Cora Fall River Trip by Tim, on Flickr


If you've read any bit of this build thread, you'll notice a theme of frugality. Yeah, I'm cheap, especially when it comes to building up a rig that only cost $1000 and a trailer that was initially $250. It's a combination of reaching a goal as inexpensively as possible to fit in my budget as well as enjoying a challenge of being creative and making the best use of things that are found, traded for or purchased for very little money.

My recent acquisition falls perfectly into my plan. Through a friend I recently scored the steel framing from some bleachers. This will eventually become the frame for the trailer. The plan is to box in the trailer using the angle iron frame, 1/4" ply wood for the sides and 3/8" for the top with an additional hinged panel on the top to create a tent platform. There will be a door in the back, one on the passenger side and a kitchen on the driver's side. I'm debating on building a slide out drawer for the kitchen, or go with a large drop down door with shelving behind it. I'm a huge fan of the KISS principle... leaning more toward the drop down door with shelving.
On the exterior there will be storage for fire wood, bikes and a spare tire.

Your opinions are welcome... preferably ones born from experience.


Cheap Adventurer!
As we have talked about, keeping it light will be an important part of this build. Grasshopper cant tug a heavy brick around so good! Making it modular would also lend it self to the flexibility and usefulness. I have been watching yours, and am still planning on building mine out as an expansion of my 'Nest system. Still wish I could find a smaller trailer to start with, but ya do with what ya got! Keep up the good work!


Cheap Adventurer!
Ya, just haven't seen too many decent trailers there. Mine is in excellent shape, plus with the HD axle, is a great starter platform. I'm just being lazy and not wanting to cut it up I guess!


It doesn't help that most people think their trailers are made of gold, and they price them as if they were brand new, despite the condition. You'd be better off building what you have.

I also know where you can get a hold of a plasma cutter and welder. ;)


No intrusion, although your responses may be limited...

I'm coming out of rock crawling background, thus the lift. But as age sets in, and my desire to destroy vehicles wanes, I've chosen to venture out to different pastures, as it were. Being in Kansas I'm pretty much limited to dirt roads and trails through open range. While they've occasionally offered a challenge, I have yet to hit anything that required 4x4, although I've locked it in just to avoid potential issues. Arguably the vast majority of places I've gone recently can be accessed with a 2 wheel drive car. But the stress level is considerably lower than rock crawling, as the challenge is more to escape rather than to conquer.

Keys for getting your transit through difficult sections of road, would be to know what your limitations are, ie, air intake or fording depth, break over angle, departure and approach angles etc. Keep the tires on the high spots and don't be ashamed to call for a spotter to help you out.

Look to USGS quad maps, county GIS sites, DOT maps or similar resources that would indicate road quality or construction. Google earth is also a good reference, but should cross referenced with those other sources to make sure of the legality of where you plan on traveling.

You might want to ask this in a more general setting though, just to garner more responses.


Not much more than maintenance happening on the Zuk lately. Taking a break from any modifications to focus on testing for my black belt which happens this weekend.
I did upgrade my 2 wheeled enjoyment over the weekend though. Got rid of the Mongoose in favor of a Trek Marlin 6. The difference in ride is night and day!

20160618_161441 by Tim, on Flickr


The clicky starter fix revealed a bad starter. I'll get that straightened out this evening.

Sadly the Zuk is down at the same time the Tahoe started having issues with the transfer case.
Timing is awesome!!!

This morning it was foggy after crazy storms came through the area last night. What a beautiful morning it was!!!


What happens to your windshield when your hood latch fails at 50 miles per hour? Nothing good.
Springs break and latches fail... especially when vibrating over a period of 28 years.
2016-10-10_09-11-44 by Tim, on Flickr

The outcome could have been a LOT worse than it was. Fortunately I was in relatively remote area and there was plenty of room to get quickly to the side of the road.

The impact bent the frame back about an inch so an old bumper jack and a piece of angle iron to spread the load did the trick getting things straightened back up
20161006_152241 by Tim, on Flickr

$10 dollars spent a little too late...
20161006_173911 by Tim, on Flickr

But she's back up and running, along with a new starter.


Autozone had the set for about $10. it's not great quality, and the pins were too short, so I got a little creative to get it all in place.
I'll post up a few pix when it's all done.


On the verge of making a 2015 Impreza Hatchback a new daily driver. The Zuk will stay, replacing the Tahoe. Any input?
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