New Toys!


Well, a couple of goodies showed up from the brown truck the other day, so I thought I would play show and tell.:jumping:

Allpro front winch bumper and a Warn M8000 to stick in it!

Now if I could just get the comms and nav together, I might be good to go.


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  • warnm8000.JPG
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Expedition Leader
Is that like headgear for a taco or something?


Naw, okay. that's some crazy looking steel work, there. :smiley_drive:


Couple more pics from today. Got the bumper test fitted to take some measurements for a filler deck and to mount the signal lamps. Fit was very nice and tight, I really am starting to respect the work that All Pro is putting out.


  • breakdown.JPG
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  • testfit1.JPG
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  • testfitside1.JPG
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Expedition Leader
Looking good - do you have plans behind the bumper where the lower body metal shows through - reason I ask is because I could not figure what I would do with mine yet - I though of lineX as one option


Thanks for the comments. The winch came from the mechanic who lets me use his shop, I belive he ordered it from 4wheel parts. He got me a pretty good deal, and I would rather give him the money then some of the other shops in town.
As far as the sheet metal that shows, I haven't decided what to do about that yet. After the bumper is coated and the signals are mounted, I will decide then as to what to do. Between the winch and the signals, alot of metal showing is covered, so I'll just have to look at it for awhile and decide.

Trimming the excess fender liner and the factory bumper supports on the corners bothers me more, so I will have to play with that till I am happy, trim and look, trim some more probably!!

Dave Bennett

Lookin' good! I really like the Allpro bumpers.
Glad to see I'm not the only one workin' my ******** off to get my rig ready for the Trophy!


Very cool! :cool: Mine is an earlier year, so not sure of differences, but I was able to cut some of the painted fender material that was sticking down in the front, and bend it in such a way to retain the bolted tie-in to the inner fender for structural strength. I'll dig up some pics if you want me to.


erin said:
Thanks Chris, that would be great, that is one part I need to figure out.

OK, here is a little pictorial of how I did it. I will show the procedure for the driver side. The passenger was similar but a little different.

Before pic - you can see the area that needs trimming.


The white sheetmetal sticking down in the previous pic is actually two "arms" that are pressed together at the ends. Each "arm" goes up at a different angle and ties into two places on the fender to provide rigidity to the 1/4 panel. In this pic, you can see where I cut the front-most piece with a dremel tool and peeled away the lower part below the cut.


This is a bad pic, but you can see the piece has been cut from the upper "arm" and the lower one is still attached to the fender well.


Now I notched the lower arm at a specific point so that it could be bent where the notch is.


Here you can see the notching


Using a small clamp to hold it in place, I bent the lower arm and raised it up so that it was matched with the upper arm right where I had cut it off flush with the 1/4 panel.


I drilled through the existing bolt hole in the 1/4 panel to go all the way through the lower arm where it was pressed in place. Then I bolted it all together, and cut the remainder of the lower arm flush with the 1/4 panel. I also trimmed the plastic liner with some tin snips or a hobby-knife, I can't recall which.


Here you can see the upper and lower arms and how they have been reworked (trimmed) but still tie into the fender well for strength.


Here is a shot of the pass. side. On this side, I don't recall, but I think I may have accidentally cut the lower arm too much (instead of a nice notch), so I just cut it off and then bolted it to the remaining arm, with the existing lower part (pre-drilled) up higher than it was before. Then I bent it in the same way to match up with the upper arm and so it would be flush with the 1/4 panel. All of the cuts and bolts were then painted. If you need more pics of how I did the pass. side, let me know.


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