Alrighty, I've taken the answers to my original question seriously (and also gotten more nervous about stretching a frame that's not so strong to begin with), and redesigned my whole rig for a stock wheelbase and angled rear. Here's the .skp file for anyone who uses the (free) program Google SketchUp. Here're some more details:
Current plans are 3 inches of polyurethane or polyisocyanurate rigid boards all around, maybe more in the roof. Structural materials are mostly riveted aluminum, with some wood thrown in a few spots. For planning, I have it nominally as 2x1" beams, but actual pieces will depend on what I can find. It'd be great to come across a stash of broken aluminum ladders, and chop them up for beams.
The "stove" refers to either the smallest Ammocan stove, or something very similar of my own construction. I plan to use propane only for cooking, and diesel only for moving the vehicle.
Window shapes and positions are approximate; actual details will depend on what windows I salvage from something else. Really, that statement applies to everything in the design.
Walls materials and their thicknesses, inside to out:
3.2mm plywood (1/8) inside, except around stove, where it's cementboard and alu skinning
50.8mm alu and wood studs, insulation between them
25.4mm more insulation
0.6mm (0.019") alu skin on outside
15.9mm plywood (5/8)
50.8mm studs and insulation
25.4mm more insulation
0.6mm alu skin on outside (bottom)
3.2mm plywood (1/8) inside, except maybe around the stove
38.1mm insulation
50.8mm studs and more insulation
12.7mm (1/2) plywood
0.6mm or thicker alu skin on outside (top)
I couldn't find a 1st gen cab model, so I took a 3rd gen and fudged it to similar dimensions. The collection of stuff in front of the truck is a cutaway of the wall/floor joint, illustrating my positioning of the structural beams to avoid thermal bridging.
Er... how do I upload a .skp file? Here are screenshots in the meantime: