Heretic Car Camper
I'm not sure what you mean by "split charging". Is your LR a 6 volt system?
If so my first thot is "Change that!", but if that's not an option there are devices called "series-parallel switches" which would allow you to charge on 6 & run the lights on 12. I know that they exist, but I can't claim any experience in their use.
More than likely the light's earth is a bit small for charging duty. Approach this like it is a fibreglas boat, when considering the charge wire length include the earth (ground) wire length in the calculation.
If so my first thot is "Change that!", but if that's not an option there are devices called "series-parallel switches" which would allow you to charge on 6 & run the lights on 12. I know that they exist, but I can't claim any experience in their use.
More than likely the light's earth is a bit small for charging duty. Approach this like it is a fibreglas boat, when considering the charge wire length include the earth (ground) wire length in the calculation.