Herm and Dale,
I think I'll repair it temporarily, in other words cut out the rot in the specific places and then patch it. I plan on being home soon and then I can take it off the truck for a longer period of time under cover to strip out the entire thing properly and then replace the floor. If I do this it will either be marine grade ply or some synthetic.
From what I can see the blue foam has open areas in it where there are sections of wood below to screw the ply into. the mounting sections may be fiber glassed in place. I just don't know until I get that far.
I am glad of one thing though. I am glad I bought an old camper so I can see that I would NEVER invest big bills into one. There is so much to go wrong that I am surprised no one has not come up with a more modern approach to these monsters. I think Hallmark is the closest to being in tune with using modern synthetics materials than anyone out there.
Herm what did you mean by over kill using the nida core? From what I read there is a lot of strength in the panels especially for the floor and I do know the price of the stuff!!!! But if it works better than ply then the expense is worth it.
Dale, thanks for the nyloboard link. I will use that for research.
Thanks again guys this site is always a pleasure to deal with as there are REAL experts here that have done the actual work and not just blowing hot gas out of their fundament.