No ATV section?


Seth, I suppose the spirit of overland expedition is as varied as the number of persons on this forum. To each his own. I would venture to say that the majority of us do haul our dirt bikes to the area we want to ride - that can be a long way from home. Here's why - we can establish a comfortable base camp much easier than hauling everything on the bike. Then we use the bike to get around - it is much more frugal on gas and what's more, it's much more agile when the going gets rough. As you may know, we have a lot of very remote wilderness here in Nevada that is accessible only by very rough dirt roads. Now, I can drive my van all the way to the end of the road, creeping along in low range and beating it to death, getting about 5 mpg. Or, I park the van at the end of the good road and ride the dirt bike over the rough road until I get to the wilderness area boundary, park it, and start hiking. A road that would take several hours in the van can be done in fraction of the time with a dirt bike - they are that much more agile - and in the case of my little Yamaha, get 75 mpg doing it.

I think that's the main reason some of us pack dirt bikes - something to get around on once base camp is established, so we're not depending on the big behemoths we used to get there. And a very important side benefit - if that big rig breaks down, you don't have to walk out! At least, that's the way I have been doing it for the last 40 years. I know that some people do travel off a dirt bike only. If you read the forums here you'll see that those bike are usually pretty good size - they have to be to haul all the gear. Consequently, you'll rarely see them in really remote rough country. They are too much of a handful, especially loaded with gear, to ride any rough roads. Been there, done that.

But you're absolutely correct - this is off topic and there is no need to have an ATV - or even dirt bike - forum here as there are any number of them available elsewhere.

But explain to an old desert rat - what is wakeboarding?? That's a new one on me!


New member
I think ATV's can certainly be used as expedition vehicles:

In many countries as well as some US states (Wy, Mont, SoDak for example) ATV's can be made street legal.

It is a good question: when is it an expedition and when is it "just riding"? Likewise when is something an expedition vs. "just camping" or an expedition vs. "just driving."

I think expedition is a state of mind. Not many get to do something on the scale of an African cross-continent safari or an around the world trip like Long Way Round. With a job, side business, kids, etc. I have a hard time putting together an afternoon's worth of getaway. In the strict sense of the word, I've probably never been on a true expedition. Yet I'm drawn to this portal, because I share in that desire to get out and explore.

A Sunday morning dual-sport ride on the KLR finding some dirt roads that I didn't know existed. A Saturday riding with the local ATV club exploring trails in an area I wasn't familiar with. Geocaching with the family and finding a little hiking trail in the city I didn't know was there. Expeditions no, but certainly in the spirit.

It is unfortunate that ATV's get the bad rap that they do because of the overwhelming number of yahoo's that ride them.

It makes me sad actually. Most 4x4'ers think of ATV's as toys ridden by idiots. Motorcyclists/dirtbikers think you're lazy/inept for riding on 4 wheels.

As the owner of an F250 diesel, Vstrom, KLR650, and numerous ATV's for our business - I'm in a distinct minority that likes them all - for the unique experience that each provides. I'm doing my first duathlon this year (I'm not a swimmer so no "tri"), so I've become smitten with road bicycles as well.

When you look at a modern 4x4 ATV: fuel injection, full independent suspension, H/L range, front diff lock, descent control, the amount of gear you can pack on them, and granite like reliability. These are extremely capable 4x4 vehicles.

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