Dave, dont order just yet!
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Hurry, ends friday...
Its a dried product of some sort. Its not freeze dried, and its not wet like MRE. So I would just say "dried". But some cooking network show (Cooks club?) did a blind taste test, and this was rated #1 I think, beating out even some of the "frozen" and "refrigerated" products. So not all dried products are the same.
Some notes (just from my experience)
Bananna chips are tasty, but is loaded with fat. It is not "dried" bananna chips.
Their freeze dried blueberries keep the longest for me. The rasberries go soggy fast. If your a single guy trying to eat a #10 can, you will run into some issues. if your feeding a family of 4, it goes quickly. Throw some in zip locks with cherrioes for each day of the week if you eat on the run.
OVA eggs taste a little better and seem to last a little longer than just their store brand of powdered eggs. Their egg product is not really a 10 year item, though I guess it could be used that way.
TVP- (textured vegetable protein). Think Bacos.
Strawberries are pretty good, but dont' reform their shape as well. Perfect for smoothies, pancakes, jams, and baking.
Their Artesian flour is very good. Long shelf life if you can get a gamma lid.
Not from them, but from others:
canned cheese: kinda soft, but wonderful addition to chili, bread, snack with some summer saussage. Also for some camp pan pizza.
Canned bacon: Very good- If your used to fresh bacon (I do cure my own), its not really comparable- But it is basically like mcdonalds bacon. If your out with a group and its day 3, and you whip out some bacon, you will be king. (for at least until breakfast is over). It doesnt' have the usual fat content (its been cooked off) so there is actually less cleanup.
You can make some really awesome stuff with not too much- take flour, some instant yeast (or you can get pizza dough packs from the store, just add water).