No start / shaking gauges 2006 Xterra


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

2006 Xterra Offroad
After replacing the battery terminals I have a no start condition. The gauges shake when you try to start the rig. After a bit of research, it seems the most likely issue is power from the battery. The battery is new, battery terminals are new, ground is clean.
The Xterra started fine after replacing the terminals, fired right up. Test drove it around town with no issues. My kid took it for a day drive and after it was parked for a while, there was a no start condition. She jumped it, and drove home. I check some of the fuses to see if something was amiss there, but didn't find anything wrong. Used the Multi-Meter and have 12.6 volts on the battery and 14.3 at idle. Suggestions welcomed!
Fusable Links...could any of these be the issue?


Any codes? Mine did something similar and turned out to the crank position sensor. Not too hard to get to and the part is cheap. May be worth a try before you dig too deep.


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Thanks for the replies.

No codes, and the crank position sensor is new (installed it about three months ago).

No crank. When key is in the ON position, all of the gauges and dashboard operates as expected.
When the key is turn to START, there is no crank and the gauges start shaking. When the key is then turned off and removed, the gauges shake for a few seconds then stop and return to the normal off position.



Check the other end of the main ground cable from the battery. Sounds like a loose ground to me, and cleaning and treating the battery end of the cable is only 1/2 of the potential problems.

Also check the grounding/ bonding strap between the engine block and the body.
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To that point, if you end up that deep in the wiring, check the voltage received at the solenoid end of the ignition switch wire. Basically remove the little wire from the starter and see if it gets power when the switch is cranked on.

You very quickly get to 2-man troubleshooting if you don’t have a really nice data logging meter with clips in the terminals or 35’ long arms!


I know you said battery was new, but could it be faulty? I’ve had the twerking gauges in our xterra before and it was from an old weak battery.


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Thanks for the replies.

When I replaced the battery terminals, I removed the ground from the battery to the block. Then I cleaned up the mating surfaces on the block and the grounding cable. Everything is clean and no corrosion was present. Where is the grounding strap between the block and and body? It looked like the connection half way between the block and battery was the body ground...

I will check the ignition connections in the steering column and verify there is nothing loose.

Checking voltage getting to the starter was on my list. Thanks for the reminder.

I did check the battery voltage both at rest and at was all within spec.

Additionally, what is connected, via the plug, to the middle of the grounding strap between the battery and block? What does this ground? The plug connects to a plastic piece that is around the negative/ground cable.

Thanks again for all the help!



I don’t have an Xterra, so I can’t help you with ground strap location, but I’ve never had a car that didn’t have some sort of braided firewall ground strap between the body and the engine block. Often on the bell housing or back of whichever head is closest to the firewall.

could you have a neutral safety or clutch safety switch issue? Racking the transmission selection or back and forth then trying again could quickly reveal that.

also, perhaps you have a security system / immobilized issue? Is the start condition specific to one key versus another? Aftermarket system?

I’m sort of guessing at your problems because it is easier than working in my own junk today! ?

do you have a remote start button? That can help diagnose starter versus starter circuit issues


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Thanks for the reply.

The Xterra is "new" kid bought it off of a friend I wheel with.
I had the same thoughts as you did regarding the grounding strap, but didn't see anything. I'll dig a bit deeper after work today.
The rig is an auto, so no clutch cancel with involved. I tried cycling the gear select in and out of change. I'm not sure if I checked the fuse for the alarm the other day...I look for that as well. She only has one key for the rig...even though I've been on her about getting another one made. No remote start.



Bad communication on my part. Not “remote start feature” as in a button on the key fob… a remote starter switch, like a mechanic uses? Disconnecting the ignition wire from the starter and Using a remote starter button instead can quickly diagnose starter and solenoid issues.


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Thanks for the link!
I joined that forum a couple days ago, but hadn't seen that thread.
Excellent information! I'll be working my way through the fella's suggestions this weekend.


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