Nobo 10.6 vs InTech explore


Well-known member
you can find em on the internet searching about and get an idea on price and see if you can negotate, I drove 2k miles to get mine when I wanted it..
found one for $19k, I kinda like the double rear doors.

additionally for those looking for water system, I use 2x 7g Square Aqua-Tainer.. one I fill with home water and use for traveling/drinking/cooking/coffee so everything tastes normal, the other I fill up locally and use for washing dishes, dogs drinking water, and putting out camp fires.. they fit in milk crates, so I can secure the crate and drop it in without worrying about em sliding around in trailer, can get dogs water at a rest stop without unstrapping anything.. another thing I like about it after renting a few campers with tanks is EVERYONE knows how much water is left which helps alot with consumption/rationing.. I'm not checking a gauge all the time and the only one who knows that we're running low or nagging the family.. We make a little last alot longer out of jugs than tanks.. never again "oah crap we just ran out of water" in the middle of cooking.
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New member
I like the Double doors, and the dual beds, but the dual beds make the kitchen area somewhat weird.

I'm cool without the water, there are other ways, but I just got rid of my large popup and keep wondering if I want to do tent ends again... ugh, I am going next week to see one in person in another state (single bed) and may be coming home with it.



New member
I could take out the cooler and stove and put my generator on that slide location, replumb the burner into the inside of the unit to heat water and build the cooler into the front base... I love me some modding...


Well-known member
its got Reflectix insulation aswell.. my discover does, I believe all intech's do.. I got some extra to insulate the tipout beds

you wont be able to tell this without taking outlet covers and stuff off.

and trust me when I say run away from everything forest river, unless you intend on using it 3-4 times and then letting it rot in your back yard for a decade or two before hauling it off for scrap.. and if thats the case, go rent a friggin airstream 3-4 times and u'll still have saved a ton of money.. putting it in your garage wont prevent it from falling apart with all the shortcuts they took..

Running water is over-rated, just raises your insurance, maintance and isint as space saving as you'd think.. if FR says it can hold 20 gallons, your lucky to get 15 gallon capacity because they use voodoo or something to keep you from ever getting that much.. you search their own forums and nobody can get advertised capacity out of any model.. Also you cant move water tanks, so if your too tongue heavy and the tank is up front you might not be able to use it.. whereas you can strap down water jugs as ballast wherever its needed, actually use it to take weight off the tongue by putting it in the back, or put it right over the axle where a couple hundred pounds of fluid weight travels best.. You can also replace jugs if they get contaminated or start tasting bad, your onboard tanks will forever taste like plastic cistern water, any chemicals you add you'll never be certain you flushed out completely.. lastly you dont need to carry around a hose and move your trailer to refill water, you can toss your jugs into your TV and drive all the way into town if needed without packing up camp, which allows you to travel lighter and acquire water as needed instead of towing with tanks full.

x12 for anything Thor owns, which is between Forest River and Thor is about 80% of the American mainstream market.
To say the ******** they sell should have and MSRP about 70% of where it is is being polite. And if you live in Canada like me, the going rate is bordering on piracy.
Plus, easy winterizing. Remove jugs from trailer. Done. No blowing out lines then sucking in antifreeze with the water pump.


Well-known member
ive been modding the hell outta mine, if you wanna check out see link in sig.. I pulled the fridge out, its not that great really.. hadent thought about putting my genny there thats a good idea imna explore heh.

I was hesitant on popouts too, but given how much air/light they let in and how much room they provide I dont regret it at all.. we checked out many teardrop types and most of em felt like I was in a coffin.. what part of the country do yeh live in? I live in a desert so rain is rare, if I lived in PNW I think getting em dried out would be a struggle.. I gotta deploy it in the driveway or front yard if I come home wet, the parking spot I keep it wont let the sides come down due to a fence on one side and a project car on the other.. only had to do it once all last season and we had it out at least every other weekend..

At least with this design if one fails on a trip, you can pull mattress out.. put it on the ground and leave it folded up the rest of the trip.. unlike popup campers where you gotta deploy the beds to even get inside em.. none of that u just gotta deal with water and gravity crap.. they are standard tipout units so getting replacement fabric in a few decades wont be too much of an issue even if intech vanishes.. I've found em listed DIY camper suppliers sites, whole unit for less than the aftermarket replacement canvas costs for my westfllia.

Intech solid welded frame is def strong enough for me to put some hammock anchors inside, luckily I have ample height so I could sleep 2 in hammocks, and 4 on ground + dogs and never even deploy the tipouts if the occasion requires it.. like bear concerns or extremely cold temps.
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New member
Yeah, I live in the frozen wasteland of Wisconsin. I initially was looking at Cargo trailers, for multi use and to hang a couple warbonnet hammocks inside a 14' x 7. I am a hammock fiend. Being able to hang hammocks quickly where there are no trees, but I work too much and it would take the best days of spring and summer to get it done. I wasn't sure about hanging from 1" aluminum walls.

A 7 x 14 Legend Deluxe trailer with the same tip out bed, 30A wiring and two windows is about $12k - They can add bubble wrap and white vinyl walls for $1,300 more... for Dual axles, 7k capacity, but not so sure about Rvia, and insurance though.

Man, I just want to come home from travelling all week on Friday night, hook up, go camp, Mountain Bike, Kayak, play with sharp objects, recharge and come home Sunday night, get back on the road Monday morning...

The local Intech dealer has a Rover on hand...I'm going to check it out today, and see what he can get the Explore for.


Well-known member
imna put hammock anchors near the upper corner where its got the most support, should be fine as long as you dont weight 350lbs and try to make the beast with two backs in it.. the tipouts manage to support 1000# of load at 2 anchor points.. Infact you might be able to attach a hammock to the existing tipout anchors now that I think about it some more.

If you can find any intech nearby definitely go check it out, kick the tires, crawl under it and look at chassis.. I had been crawling around a dozen forrest river models, even a few nobos, found an intech discover at my local dealer and spent 20mins crawling around it and knew pretty much instantly that FR was now off the table, and felt alot better about driving to buy one sight unseen..

Intech also has a better warranty than FR, with FR you gotta take it back to the dealer you bought it from for any warranty work, FR dealers dont have to honor warranties for vehicles not purchased from them.. so shopping around and driving to say Nebraska to get a FR for $5k off anyone else would have left me basically with no warranty at all, would have to be a hell of an issue to get me to drive it all the way back to Nebraska and leave it for months.. Intech lets you take it anywhere you want for quick service and then compensates you.. so if I'm in Oregon on vacation and have an issue with axle/frame, I can get it fixed locally and then send Intech the bill.

I've only had one warranty claim so far, the fuse box had broken solder joints on master fuse.. I contacted Intech, they said try to contact the fuse box manufacturer directly and let em know if I had any problems.. I ended up getting the ppl who made my fuse box to upgrade my unit for no cost and swapped em out my self, was pretty awesome IMO.

I also expressed concern that my model was discontinued and was worried what would happen if a tree or something fell on it that I wouldn't be able to get insurance to buy me a replacement.. Intech said if that were to happen, I could ship the remains of my trailer to their factory and the'd rebuild it for me and make it as good as new..
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New member
Can't go wrong with InTech. I added a Propex heater and have been comfortable sleeping at 20F. I use Jegs blue race jugs and a cheap D cell water pump from the "river place"for a water supply. 120 watts of solar panel and you can camp anywhere. No warranty claims and no issues.View attachment 491025
Where did you mount your Propex heater? Looks interesting, saw the Rover today, really nice unit if you are looking for a teardrop alternative. Waiting for pricing and lead time on the explore. You guys have me riled up on it, thanks!

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Well-known member
I was going to put a propex in, but now I'm waiting for the US version of the Truma VarioHeat Comfort, higher BTU and variable output.. plus it has its own regulator on it, for propex to operate optimally you needa adjust your main regulator to EU spec.

should fit just fine in the slideout area on the battery side, either the propex or the truma.. you already have gas in there easy enough to tap into..

I've also got a Wave2 Catalytic heater, because I camp high altitude and want to be prepared for some extreme cold (negative fahrenheit).. I do like it, puts out good, quiet, electrically free heat.. but I intend on it being the secondary/backup furnace because the I worry about the kids/dogs.. even though it dont get nearly as hot as I thought it would, incidental skin contact with metal grate is nothing.. but its not enough to stop fluffy tails and dumb lil fingers.. Id love a thermostat and not wake up too hot or too cold, just set it and forget it.. even if unsupervised.


New member
Where did you mount your Propex heater? Looks interesting, saw the Rover today, really nice unit if you are looking for a teardrop alternative. Waiting for pricing and lead time on the explore. You guys have me riled up on it, thanks!
I mounted it between the battery box and the Fridge slide. Just fits. Warm air duct is close to the tip-out, cold air return is opposite. I also cut an access panel in the "counter top" to get to the Fridge from inside. IMG_1517.jpegIMG_1519.jpeg


I got to take a look at 2 Intech trailers yesterday. The Explore model and the pursuit. I like the explore because of its height and the great idea of hanging a hammock in it so I can sleep 3 people. The pursue is a nice little trailer, with emphasis on little. The 3'9 interior height is a deal breaker for me unfortunately. So my question is can a 2017 Tacoma comfortably tow the Explore model?


Well-known member
If you have the v6 tow package, no problemo.. if you dont then you might be pushing it on tongue weight without modification.. toy haulers are a bit tounge heavy, wouldn't surprise me if it was 350-400# out the gate.. might need tow bags or suspension upgrades, I dunno taco's well enough to know what they did to support additional tongue weight w/tow package.. doubt they changed axles but perhaps.. you dont want to be towing and dragging ass, want everything nice and level for good stability.. also if you still want to put some stuff in the bed that needs to be accounted for. (tongue + load <= GVWR)
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I've got upgraded suspension on the truck. Deaver U402 leaf pack that's made to handle I think 400lbs without sagging and king 2.5" shocks with remote reservoir. So I think I should be ok but I do have a kb voodoo rack and roof top tent on the truck now. I do know the truck has the tow package on it. So it looks like I'll have to do some math to figure out what is safe. What's the ideal tongue weight I should be looking for?


Well-known member
you want TW at least 15% of total trailer weight, more than that is no big deal really as long as your tow vehicle supports it... less is very bad and can/will result in the tail wagging the dog..

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