Hope this question isn't too "noobish" or hasn't been beaten to death in another thread. I think I recall reading somewhere that if you need to extract a stuck vehicle, the extracting vehicle should not pull in reverse. Something to do with the way the teeth engage between the ring and pinion gears or that diffs don't lock up as well in reverse, or that the drive train is generally not as strong in reverse. Or something totally different?
Is any of this true? If so, how bad is it if one has to pull in reverse due to inability to turn around on the trail?
Thanks for the advice.
All true. Not sure it is critical with passenger vehicles but recovering an oil field truck from a muskeg bog yes, critical when the option is there. The ring gear has a twist, one direction pushes the gears together increasing the power, reverse pulls them apart. Not sure the locker feels the difference.... but depending on the design maybe. Ring and pinion, yes for sure, they are designed to pull, not push. This is true even for a Prius.
Modern transmissions, I doubt there is a difference. Old 4 speeds with granny low, yes, for sure. Remembering 1970s Ford 4 speeds, they were technically 3 speeds with a deep first gear. You would always start in second. First was bull low. 2, 3, 4 were short shifts, 1st tho was a longer throw because bull low used wider gears. Today that is not true......... hell today you cannot buy a truck with a clutch.
These are generic answers for the big three in North America. They build trucks for idiots. IF you drive a Euro, Aussie, Asian, African truck, I have no doubt some of those transmissions are old school for guys who know how to drive.