Norwegian Unimog U1700L camper build


Looks good, why did you raise the air intake by the way, planning on crossing some really deep rivers? :smiley_drive:

I kept mine low to take advantage of the high pressure area in front of the windscreen - help reduce intakes losses, every little bit helps :)
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Looks good, why did you raise the air intake by the way, planning on crossing some really deep rivers? :smiley_drive:

I kept mine low to take advantage of the high pressure area in front of the windscreen - help reduce intakes losses, every little bit helps :)

The cyclone filter collided whit the front corner on the raised roof, so I had to lift it to make it fit. Allso I considered that it might be a bit quieter inside the cabin if i raised the inntake.:) Didn't think about the advantage of keeping it low regarding high pressure area in front of the windscreen though.. Maybe I should rethink my design. Think I will have to do some testing later onwith various setups for the air inntake and see if ther is any measurable difference at all.


Thinking only on aesthetics, the overly raised intake looks a bit "silly" in my eyes :)
Maybe a small spacer (a piece of pipe) between the bracket and the A-pillar, will pull the pipe away and allow for the cyclone to fit in the original position ?

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Thinking only on aesthetics, the overly raised intake looks a bit "silly" in my eyes :)
Maybe a small spacer (a piece of pipe) between the bracket and the A-pillar, will pull the pipe away and allow for the cyclone to fit in the original position ?

I thought about adding a spacer between the a-pillar and the snorkel, but it would have to be minimum 70mm thick to make space for the cyclone filter. So I abandoned that, idea since I thought that it also would look a bit stupid. I'm also not sure if it would be possible to bend the plastic snorkel outwards enough to fit the spacer. It seems to be made out of a quite rigid type of plastic.
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I had a similar problem, ended up with a different intake for the snorkel. I also tried to bend the plastic, but after and hour with the heat gun gently warming it up I gave up, too scared it would deform too much and I would wreck it.



Another option for snorkel mods as shown here on this U140L camper with an extended rack on top of the cab. Just food for thought.
U140 Snorkel.jpg
U140 Snorkel 2.jpg



So guys; Time for an update:)

They say that a picture says more than a thousand words, so here it goes! This is what I've been working on the last month:

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And then it was time for my wifes favourite colour; RAL 5024... So; sorry too all of you who where expecting grey or dessert sand..:wings:





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Grill, bumper, fenders and other exterior details are sandblasted after need and then painted grey/black; RAL 7021:

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Then starting to put things back together, (pictures taken yesterday):

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Now the next step will be to install new front windscreen (I cracket the old one...), and install the side windows in the doors, with new rubber, after I refurbish and paint the guidance frames. When this is all finnished it will be time for some sound proofing in the cab.


Fantastic build! Looks good on those wheels too!! 11R22.5's? As Ian said, be mindful all the time re vehicle weight.. I have a 12 tonner to work with, but even with that the body is going to be as light as possible! Following with interest! Colour looks good too!! :)


Fantastic build! Looks good on those wheels too!! 11R22.5's? As Ian said, be mindful all the time re vehicle weight.. I have a 12 tonner to work with, but even with that the body is going to be as light as possible! Following with interest! Colour looks good too!! :)

Thanks Sitec:) The wheels are R13x22,5, and came with the truck. But I am considering changing to R14x24 (which is listed as theoriginal dimension in the registration papers), as it would lower the revs at crusing speed by some 100-rpm's + give a bit wider contact area with the ground.

Regarding weight; as it sits now the front axle weighs in at 3,5 tonns, and the rear at 1,5 tonns. At the moment I am considering maybe getting the shell for the camper-box produced in sandwich panels by Ormocar or simmilar. It would save a lot of weight compared to my original plan which consists of a steel frame covered with aluminium plates on the outside and plywood on the inside.
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So time is flying and spring is in the air here in Norway. And the cab is slowly getting re-assembled. Still a lot left, but step by step we'll get there!

New front windscreen and rubber is now installed. I also replaced all of the rubber on the side windows, sadly quite costly, but the old was so damaged and cracked that it just couldn't be reused.

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Feeling at home with friends:):


Inside the cab I have started to do the sound insulation, engine box, footwell, floor, rear wall and inside of doors are covered with Dynamat Xtreme. So far it's going ok, but ran out of sound plates, so still waiting to finish up footwell and rear wall on drivers side. Have done a quick test trip even though it's not finished and carpets still are missing, but already the cab is a lot quieter than what it was before.

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