Hi guys, first the car is not mine, but there is a guy that got his mazda cx5 hopelessly stuck in a snow drift atop skyline drive. Moderators if there is better place for this thread please move it. He went up when everything was still frozen and now it's a muddy mess. I was going to post on Utah off-road and recovery but I don't do Facebook. I helped the guy out as much as I could but my truck couldn't make it through all the mud to where his car was. There will be the problem of once he gets out , he won't be able to go through all the mud that was frozen when he went up. He walked down from where he got stuck to where my son and I were camping. Shameless pic opportunity ? anyone who can help would be appreciated, his business card is on his car. As ill-advised as his outing was, he was a nice guy and I'd like to help him if I can. We tried digging him out and I tried to get to him to possibly pull him out but was unsuccessful.