Trailer sits about 72 inches height, running 33 inch tires. The Smttybuilt RTT, with the ladder installed and cover adds about 14 more inches, so that puts it at about 86 inches total. My drive way is on an incline so the rear of the trailer tips up a couple more inches, so I think I would need to have 88 in my house to make it without letting air out of the tires. I like the height, it makes the tent annex work well, but if I had to store it in my garage, I would probably look at shortening the rack by 6 or so inches. I'm planning to store it at an indoor RV place so I'll keep the height as it is. I've seen some builds that have adjustable height racks, but that would add a lot of expense I am sure. It may be worth asking Simon if he can reduce the height of the rack if this is going to be a problem for you.