Off Road Trailer Group Buy (M416 Style) ***Closed***

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Damn you magnificent bastards and your photos! Because of you and your undue influence I just accepted my quote from Simon and am sending my build deposit for a November delivery. I may have missed the initial group buy but I know a bargain when I see one. Looking forward to this arriving just in time for winter desert camping adventures.


I also missed the group buy. I placed my order at the beginning of July. I am so excited. I ordered the slideout kitchen, it will make cooking for my gang so much easier.

How much was the kitchen? I saw the pic on Instagram of the CAD rendering but didn't realize it was in production yet.
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I don't remember exactly. I think $1600 sounds right.

Anxious to see pics of yours. I just built a camp kitchen, so I'll use that for a while but the idea of a big dry box that I can quickly convert has an appeal. I do have so build time to change it up. My tires and wheels are on the way.
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Would love to see some more pics, and hear what you new owners have done with / to your trailers...
What’s worked, and what would you change or add if you could?


New member
How are you guys placing your order? I tried to email/call the info listed on his website without a reply. Lead times?
Maybe give him a day or 2 to catch his breath...I know of at least 3 orders he’s received in the last week.
1-man show, with a day job, so keep that in mind.
He is surprisingly good with his communication, and being reachable.
As for lead times, he told me 6-8 weeks but I won’t hold him to that.


New member
What @Meridian7750 said is correct ... Also try texting him and give him a couple of days. It is a one man show and he has quite of bit of orders.
Yes he always gets back to me as well and I’ve asked him plenty of questions at different times. As far as I know it seems he still has two trailers to finish up on this group buy alone, so he is very busy, but everyone can count on him to get a response.
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