Wow. Nice built, but I am a bit confuse. In your firts post, you were wondering why some built seemed oberbuilt. As of were you are, I think you are past that point. It will be heavy,meven before adding all you equipment. And you are taliking hydraulic lift on top of that, so you are talking pump, motor, reservoir and actuator. This will be really heavy.
Nd4SpdSe went for electric actuator, i was going for pneumatic using the jeep OBA or even a bike pump, some are simply using gaz struts with some manipulation to lift and lower the RTT. Way lighter.
My trailer was built with 1x2" 1/8. A little small, I was not on site when the builder made it and I was desapointed some, it as a recever tube from front to mid lenght and the front and rear as 1x1 vertical framing that holds folded metal sheet, all welded together. It as hold w/o any issues for twenty years of back roads, hard wood stove duty, camping, and more. Actualy on 34" but could be on any size, and It is already on the heavy side in my mine for adevnture travel even when empty. Made a adjustable height rack (but no lift system yet) that I use for kayaks, RTT and more. With long receiver tube, extendable tongue, very patrical for long canoe, kayaks and other stuff that would be to long.
You have a very nice built in progress and can't wait to see the result. Just wanted to point out the overbuilt concerne that you add.
As for the RTT, like Nd4.. Already said, the RTT is quick, confortable and you never have to prep the ground and pull your slleping gear in and out of it. Upgrading for this to me was an off raod teardrop. But still have the trailer, the RTT and plan to keep them all.
You can find multiple topic about why a RTT here on portal. It will be easier for you to do a quick search.
Ah yeay, for me the receiver tube all the way front to back is a very good idea. It form a back bone the give structure and a recovery point from the jeep almthe way to the back.