OHV Hearing In Washington D.c.

taco chaser

Supporting Sponsor
Obviously you didn't read the whole post and just picked one thing out of a whole paragraph. Running water, sewer systems, voteing, has been used since before Roman times, so if we could figure it out, so should they, another country's ignorance and under development is not the problem that this post was meant to discuss. This has gone off the subject of land use issues in the US, so get back on the subject at hand. By the way, we do have the right to a recreational lifestyle be it a priviledge or not, it still is our right in this country. I only said something in the begining of this thread due to the lack of post totals in the land use section and the lack of replies on this post after almost a week of it being up, so I stirred the fire, but useing the Africa fund as an example of observation has set this in the wrong direction. READ THROUGH THE WHOLE POST!!! and you will see that I feel the Africa fund is necessary and positive, but seems to have more support from people around here than issues that actually effect or way of life and the use to our public lands, so it was used as an observation, not an attack on the African fund itself.
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Kane Creek in Moab is a prime example of an area that has been trashed by ATV riders in a short amount of time. I can remember as late as 2000 when there were not trails everywhere out there. No hill left unclimbed, I swear that is the motto of some of these riders. And I do believe the beauty of the area has diminished due to the off trail traffic.

I was speaking with Greg Mumm (director of BRC) a few years back and he started laughing at my situation. My primary mode of off highway transportation is my Land Cruiser, however we also own some Honda trail motorcycles, at one time I was an avid Mountain Biker, and we own horses. And at the moment I've been enjoying a Polaris 4wheeler I have on loan from my mom since she can no longer ride it. For many years we would snowmobile into the back country to cut a Christmas tree. Pretty much if there is a way to travel in OHV areas I've done it or am still doing it which is what BRC is all about.

I find myself getting more and more irritated with irresponsible people wrecking the recreational areas I enjoy. It isn't just ATVers as I've seen plenty of 4wd owners who have gone way off trail or around a mud hole creating a new wider trail or a completely new bypass. Ignorance and selfishness is what the primary problem is. Policing those who are labeled like us (all OHV users) is the only way I see there being change. And since the government isn't doing it and their attitude is the easiest way to manage land is entirely shut it down, I suggest each of you take on some of the task. When you see someone traveling in the back country illegally report them. I'd rather be the jerk who squeals on the rats, than the guy who sits at home all weekend polishing his sports car because he had to sell his 4wd because he no longer has a use for it. Lately, I find myself seeing things from the side of tree hugging environazis because folks really are tearing up our backcountry with their irresponsible use. That is not the way I want to see things go. I'd much rather be seeing them from the point that I was seeing responsible stewardship of the backcountry by OHV users and that the enviornazis concerns were unfounded.

Irresponsible selfish users are essentially loading the guns that will eventually destroy backcountry travel for all of us.


New member
For a 4x4 or a dirt bike / dual sport owner to say they don't want to be associated with ATV's under a common OHV banner, because they don't like ATV's, is a slippery slope. We have to be united. The ATV riders who are a part of and active in the BRC, NOHVCC, state ATV organizations, local clubs and more share our beliefs and want to solve the problems as badly as we do.

I'm primarily a dual sport motorcycle rider, but I also own ATV's and ride with a couple of local ATV clubs. These are good people.

How does this sound? As responsible ATV rider who simply likes exploring rugged trails, I do not want to be lumped in with dirt bikes or dual sports because of the kids on open-exhaust motocross bikes I see racing around full-speed on the trails every weekend. As a responsible ATV rider I don't want to support the cause of 4x4 owners, because of the the kids in the lifted chevy blazer who completely trashed a wetland?

No we're in this together.

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