taco chaser
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Obviously you didn't read the whole post and just picked one thing out of a whole paragraph. Running water, sewer systems, voteing, has been used since before Roman times, so if we could figure it out, so should they, another country's ignorance and under development is not the problem that this post was meant to discuss. This has gone off the subject of land use issues in the US, so get back on the subject at hand. By the way, we do have the right to a recreational lifestyle be it a priviledge or not, it still is our right in this country. I only said something in the begining of this thread due to the lack of post totals in the land use section and the lack of replies on this post after almost a week of it being up, so I stirred the fire, but useing the Africa fund as an example of observation has set this in the wrong direction. READ THROUGH THE WHOLE POST!!! and you will see that I feel the Africa fund is necessary and positive, but seems to have more support from people around here than issues that actually effect or way of life and the use to our public lands, so it was used as an observation, not an attack on the African fund itself.
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