Expedition Leader
I put Mobil 1 10-40 High Mileage (M1 HM) in today - made a nice difference. Quite operation, seemed to run smoother, but that is subjective of course and the power felt nice and smooth too. Had a great conversation with Mobil customer service - they really took care of me with information and even a discount on a retail purchase of a case of the Mobile 1 HM. That high mileage formulation has a lot of benefits especially motors with slight leaks or burning issues. Oil does in fact form a 'seal' around the bottom piston ring, further enhancing performance and preventing oil burn off, thus 'consumption.' I used a Mobil 1 filter, so it will be interesting to see what it looks like in 3K miles. I ran one change through of the HM stuff in 48 hours and it turned dark pretty quickly - I was told this is the special detergents at work. I flushed with another change of dino, let it come up to temp, and then drained that for the final fill of the M1 HM 10W-40. Whew.

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