New member
This is so bad***!!! It's amazing to me what you can do with these things, with enough time and talent. Bravo!
work got busy again so haven't had a lot of time to work on this thing, but I finally got around to making some stuff
from underneath
probably gonna figure out how to attach some hinges, at least on the drivers side. I don't mind having the smaller pass side panel removable though. Also gonna get my mom to stich up some new covers for the separate mattress pieces now, which should also help them slide into place a bit easier.
are you reinstalling the headliner?
both, though the bottom of the platform will be much easier to deal with. the material cut out of the headliner is not exactly clean cut and useable. it was a bit more sturdy than I thought, so the part removed ended up being cut in several pieces. the edges will be the most difficult part though. none of the shapes are square or evenly spaced, and not much go material to attach things. I'll figure something out eventually, but might end up with taped up edges for a while.just the edges or the platform bottom as well? why not use what you removed?
are the vehicle roof/ tent floor panels somehow going to be restrained? a floating panel may sink on a corrugated road with unexpected - perhaps un-appreciated - results.
NC-TROOPER did you reinforce yout door for the fuel can or?