Old Farts Expedition - Baja - January 2016

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Sounds like a trip for the books!!
I love that you found the old partners kid, and Grandkid, and they were racers too!

Meeting Mike and his son was a neat addition for the trip. Like father like son (& grandson), the man looked exactly like his dad and their Jeepspeed Cherokee was painted the same colors as JM Bragg's famous CJ-7.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
On my way north I made a last minute decision to detour into Oso de Libres for some whale watching. Got there early in the afternoon and noticed lots of shiny objects out on the bay. Got my binocs out and realized what I was seeing was the sun glinting off dozens of whale backs. The weather was looking perfect for the tour in the morning. Got my tickets and loaded into the panga with 5 others. Noted our guide and pilot was the same man I did the tour with in 2007. The tour went extremely well. We saw hundreds of whales and a few close encounters. One mother clearly pushed her calf to our boat so we could touch her. We she was done she came up under the boat with a solid bump, apparently thanking us. Most of the whales that came close had calfs and it was very obvious the mothers were wanting them to become acquainted with humans. I lost count of how many whales we saw but certainly over a hundred. Most of my photos are on my DSLR but a few I shot of this albino whale with her normal colored calf.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Angela. That wasn't her real name but when she introduced herself that's what she said to call her. When I first got to this beach I noticed her right away. She apparently noticed me too as when ever I saw her she gave me these demure smiles. I think it was the second day on this beach she walked down the shoreline and introduced herself. She was admiring my new kayak so I offered her to take it out for a paddle. She lit up with "really, that's ok?" I said sure and gave her a few pointers. Off she went paddling out and around a nearby island. A day or two later we went over to a big group campfire and singalong in recognition of regulars Dan and his son Henry heading back north. That's when I realized Angela and George where together. Yet Angela came by my camp several times after that with the same shy but enchanting smile. She borrowed my boat several times and brought me fresh fruit. Later I left that beach and headed south ending up at Rattlesnake where I met George and Angela again. I was invited to their fire that evening where George entertained quite well with his guitar and singing. Stupidly I consumed too much tequila and George had to help me back to my camp. They moved south the next morning and invited me to move to their campsite which was far better than where I was. Hurriedly I moved my stuff to the new site. I think that hurried move did nothing for my ailing back. I stayed for two more days before I made the decision to cut the trip short and head north. Of course that meant I would probably never see Angela again, but I never decided if she was just being nice to me, or was there a spark developing. Or maybe she just liked paddling my kayak. I'll never know.

That's not Angela in the photo, but it is another gal that borrowed my boat.
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Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I always liked to keep track of everything and write it down. Probably my years in the Navy where one of my duties as a Quartermaster was keeping the ship's log current. It continues today as I keep a daily journal. So crunching some numbers I have come up with some info that should be helpful to others planning a similar trip.
I spent 34 days in Baja, 46 total from home in Western Colorado and return. I drove 1662 miles in MX and 3594 total. I spent $1042 in MX and $2083 total. Costs in Baja were mostly just food and fuel. The same costs applied in US but also included a few nights in motels. I also spent $600 on a new kayak just for this trip. Of course it was all worth it. This sign says it all.


Snow on the Roof
Wonderful story Ace. My wife has 18 months yet to work. Plan on heading south as soon as she retires as we have grandkids in Mexico. Hope this will be part of a future Old Farts trip down there.


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Wonderful story Ace. My wife has 18 months yet to work. Plan on heading south as soon as she retires as we have grandkids in Mexico. Hope this will be part of a future Old Farts trip down there.


I just told Frenchie you would be someone who would be good at organizing a trip and now you have just stepped up. I hope to see you posting a trip planning trip to Baja in 18+ months.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Three months ago on this date we crossed into Bsja with nine rigs. I had to return earlier than planned due to back trouble,but happy to report that I'm doing much better now. The tan lines on my feet from sandals are pretty much faded away now. Must be a sign that's it's time to plan another trip. Maybe next fall. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1459104778.042514.jpg

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