Are you saying you're going to get a new rack from Toyota? I would just replace that inner tie rod if I were you, inexpensive and pretty easy.
Where did you take those pictures? That looks great!
That would be the easy cheap thing to do. That rack was literally put in last week. If it can't last more than a week...I don't trust it. Not band-aiding someone else's mistake. That and...that is the second rack, the first one they sent was bad too. So it is getting a brand new one. I'll get my money back from that rack and just pay the difference. Same thing happened with the CV axles a couple years ago, tried a couple remans from Toyota even, and 4 different seals...and still couldn't it to stop leaking. Finally had to buy a brand new one and it fixed it. Still not leaking and that was 90K miles ago.
Should of bit the bullet and just did a new rack from the get go, because I know better....that whole trying to save a few bucks always tends to bite me in the ass.
Those pictures? Yeah, that area is top secret!

Fricken love this sign. If you can't read it, it says at the bottom. "Keep going, you'll get there!" Saw it a couple years ago, now I use that phrase when I am up in the high country when a tourista asks me if there any good camp spots around here. “Nope, nothin round here...Keep going, you’ll get there!”