Here in the US it can definitely get you fined if someone brings it to authorities attention. It's considered Black Water content. Granted one person Piss in the woods in various places may be no big deal if not near streams etc... but 50+ people pissing in the same spot over a 5min period is about same as dump of collection bottle. That's a bit different. A bit more concentrated and harder for momma earth to filter out esp. if piss in the bucket contains reminance of antibiotics, heart medication, or any other meds the person(s) pissing in the container have passing from their bodies.Pouring urine on the ground is not going to get you fined, Don't dump it in a camp site .
The compost is another issue, there are plenty of pit toilets around the world.
Maybe consider pouring it out not all in one spot? or as mentioned burn it off in exhaust...... guess could drip it off as you drive off road too. Guess one could do same with grey water* as well (again though you could get fined if caught) But.... no matter how you do it.... no where near streams where it can run off to them. The meds in our bodies mess with fish, fish food etc.
Just a .02 bit of info to mull over.
*in many places if your kitchen/cook sink is attached to Gray Water storage....... then it is NOT Gray any longer. It's BLACK.
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