Ugh...you can't be serious!
I thought you'd be more upset that his Range Rover isn't completely stock, and that all 4 wheels aren't properly secured to the asphalt!
Ugh...you can't be serious!
Poor deer. Did you have to pose with it? Don't we have steaks at the supermarket?
Call me a ********** but I would be too upset to take a photo with the guts hanging out.
Poor deer. Did you have to pose with it? Don't we have steaks at the supermarket?
Call me a ********** but I would be too upset to take a photo with the guts hanging out.
I can tell you I wouldn't have posed with it.
I think I might becoming a Budda....can't stand seeing animals die.
Not sure about Australia but the UK does (or did) have some funny road kill laws. I think they only apply to game birds and stuff though (not sure what else you could kill that you would want to eat anyway). If you hit a Pheasant with a car for example you can't pick it up but the guy behind you can. However if you REVERSE over a pheasant then you can pick it up... Not sure what the rules are with deer. It all comes under old poaching laws I think.
Some of us know that the steaks from the supermarket don't actually originate from semi trailers or the stock room of the store.
It's not that big of a deal if you know where you food comes from and/or hunt.
Poor deer. Did you have to pose with it? Don't we have steaks at the supermarket?
Call me a ********** but I would be too upset to take a photo with the guts hanging out.