With much help from Overland Hadley and others on WTW my roof lifting helper thingys are installed on the inside of my Finch.
I wasn't able to get pics last night since I finished after dark. The 50lb struts are perfect for my roof with the Yakima Tracks, nothing else up top yet. The roof lifts up easily and comes down easily. At first I thought the 50lb might be too much but it is perfect.
Within the last few days I thought I had it figured out. Popped it up and then was in a dilemma and didn't have a solution. I really thought with the Finch something was different. Well with some insight from Hadley I popped it up again yesterday and started again looking at lining things up. Well that did it. Got them installed in about 2 hours. Now mine isn't as clean since I used off the shelf 2x5 tie plates but I am more than happy with the way it turned out.
The parts:
Disregard the larger tie plates. I went back to the hardware store and got more of the smaller ones and they worked great. More pics tomorrow.
Parts were purchased from the following:
Struts: 9416K23 Gas Spring with Threaded Ends, 33.94" Extended Length, 16.14" Stroke $22.28
End fittings: Zinc Part#9416K88 $1.62
Bimini Fittings:
~$7.00 each
2x5 Tie Plates from L@we$ these were about $0.55 each
Small screws-various prices.
The dilemma:
The solution/finished product