Thought I'd throw a couple pictures up of the progress. I didn't make the thing square, just been kind of winging it, but it's close. Measure and cut and measure and cut....
Built the sides first.. should have done better to square these, but this whole project was intended to be a quick box made from scrap.
Mocked it up to see if everything fits. It does and I have the ability to make a pull out tray or something.
All 4 sides secured. I really should have squared this before I moved on. Ah fudge it, I can't be bothered (to be honest I didn't learn about squaring this until I had the floor of the box almost done

Bracing the bottom of the box so i can put the floor in. The planks I am using are not the same dimensions, so a bit of puzzle piecing was needed to make the bottom work out.
With the floor in.
Starting to work on the center divider, which will also stabilize the floor and walls some more.
Going to put some feet on this thing, and look at creating a drop in tray I can remove with utensils and such in it or basic dry goods (coffee and such). I still need to get the percolator/french press and some more plates and cups in, but this is going to work well me thinks. As a back up, I'll remove the dividers and use it as a fire wood box.