Where was your confusion?
So yeah, you're right in alot of ways and good point. But I hardly think this is an incident isolated to SA that only SA folk can under stand. That's like saying that only people in the NW can ever really know what it's like to go wheeling in the rain and mud... That's clearly NOT the case, but I think these folks got enough feeback that I'd be guessing that they won't be doing it again.
Like I said, IMO the stupidest thing they did was to PUT IT ON THE INTERNET... I'm guessing that equaly as stupid of things get done nearly EVERYWHERE on a daily basis... Fortunatly for humanity it's not ALL on You-tube
Well, hope even a BIT of that made sence eh
Where was your confusion?
It wasn't you p71. There was a post after your's that seems to have been deleted. I should have captured it with a "quote" box. All kinds of fancy jibberish that made no sense whatsoever. Really out of place for this thread, so my only response was... "Huhhh?"