Ouray Pictures and Trip Report


I miss Ouray.

I would live there, or silverton, if I had the cash to aford it, or job that would let me tele-commute!

And in winter sleep as Bear as no way go back to civilization , as soon snow block all the roads

You right . what a joy spend May and June in mountains in that area !!!

Number 7

An easy way for him to do it is to go to the thread on the other forum, go into edit mode, highlight and copy the entire message then paste that into a new message over here.

I've actually tried doing that on various occassions but found the task to be entirely too cumbersome what with different forum settings which inevitably require me to add IMG tags. Typically I write the report in Word and then copy paste it into the forum at ORP. That initial copy/paste takes quite some time as I add IMG tags while doing it. When the need to duplicate each step presents itself in order to share on other forums, I find I just don't have the time. On the one hand I enjoy sharing the experience and pictures, but on the other hand it can be time consuming. d :snorkel:


thanks for the post!!!

I just want to say thanks alot for this post. I am currently deployed In the Army, and this is my escape. I am out everyweekend back home....so this is as good as it gets for me here. I hope to get out that way next April when I get home. Might throw the jeep on a trailer, or might try to get my van in there:smiley_drive: Again thanks Alot

Number 7

I just want to say thanks alot for this post. I am currently deployed In the Army, and this is my escape. I am out everyweekend back home....so this is as good as it gets for me here. I hope to get out that way next April when I get home. Might throw the jeep on a trailer, or might try to get my van in there:smiley_drive: Again thanks Alot

Wow, thanks for saying that! It made my day to think I can help relieve some of the hardships you're enduring on my behalf! Thank you for your service, and when you come home please feel free to visit us out here in AZ. There's lots to see! d :costumed-smiley-007


That I will do for sure. I am planning a 30 day trip when I get back...and this is going to get about 7 days of it. I will try most of it in my van. I have a 10" lift on 35" it does pretty well for a 5.5 ton rig...suprises most people any way...not like my jeeps but still a hell of a rig. This web sight and write ups like this keep me sane over here. I really would like to meet up with some of yall when I get back. You guys keep liven back there and dont take ******** for granted.
I just want to say thanks alot for this post. I am currently deployed In the Army, and this is my escape. I am out everyweekend back home....so this is as good as it gets for me here. I hope to get out that way next April when I get home. Might throw the jeep on a trailer, or might try to get my van in there:smiley_drive: Again thanks Alot

I got tired of the yearly commute to Colorado 7 years ago and moved 1.5 hours to the North of Ouray and 2:15 North of Silverton. I would be honored to show you around in this area when you return from your deployment. I would not worry about your van as these pictures I took on Poughkeepsie Gulch years ago demonstrate:

Also, thanks to the original poster for sharing your trip! In spite of living so close, our new home remodel project has kept me from getting down there so far this summer. I hope to make it down there in the next 3-4 weeks.



Expedition Leader
Great pictures!! I am lucky enough to live 35 miles N of Ouray and love it plus I'm close to Moab too.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
Now I'm really excited!!

I'm heading to CO on Spet 3rd, and Ouray is one of the stops.

I've been wanting to run Black Bear Pass, among others, for years.

So far, the only part of CO I've seen, is on the way through to Moab each April.

Thanks for the trip report!!:coffeedrink:

btw: Hows the fishing around Ouray?


I recommend the historic Western Motel if you're ever in Ouray looking for a good meal or place to stay. Rose-Marie has owned the place for at least 20 years and is an incredible cook (she'll say it's nothing). Her husband runs the Jeep tour outfit next to the hotel and has a lot of good information about the history of the place and where to go in the mountains (to fish, etc). The hotel itself is the oldest 3-story wooden structure west of the mississippi. Most the hardware and fixtures are original down to the painted lady's face on the bar floor, the naked lady painting above the bar, and the tin ceilings.

While I was there for the FJ Summit, I was lucky to have met Bill, the guy who built the Black Bear Pass. He was there for the summer taking people on tours through passes. I wanted to run it with him in the passenger seat but timing didn't work out. He had some amazing stories to tell from back in the 50s when just getting to the trails was an adventure (river crossings everywhere). He's about 90 and still kicking strong.
What is that thing? It looks like a Winnabeggo [sp?] on steroids? Is is some kind of earth roamer? d :Wow1:

It is a custom built Unimog motor home. I fully expected it to roll on that obstacle but discretion took the better part of valor (something like that) and the owner nucked tail and went back down the trail the way he had come.


Number 7


It is a custom built Unimog motor home. I fully expected it to roll on that obstacle but discretion took the better part of valor (something like that) and the owner nucked tail and went back down the trail the way he had come.


Looks like he pretty well had it in the photo - there's nothing dramatic once you get onto the flat there. Maybe he was taking the 'wrong line'; so his tires were in the ruts instead of on the rises? So he backed out & headed home? Huh, certainly looks like he means business. d :snorkel:

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