Are you guys allowed to use heaters in a camper, not legal in Oz unless it's properly flued to the outside like the diesel heaters are.
We used a gas heater in Wothahellizat Mk1 but it was such a large vehicle and not well sealed so I wasn't worried about it (but still never left it on overnight), but a small vehicle would be a problem unless you leave windows open and as you say "vicious circle".
Yeah we dont have the rules that you are subjected to, or not as much, for a home built camper there is not an inspection process for it and I think there is a standard to follow for the manufacturers, CRVA would be the Canadian body that would maintain the required safety standards for them and I suppose for home built units also.
The diesel unit I have is the coolant heater and it is outside already so no venting required, the Cat units need an air supply and for sure caution using it overnight, for me I have a vent in the door of the camper which is open all the time, and if the Cat stays on overnight a window is opened up right by our pillows for fresh air supply.
On my camper I used the principle that hot air rises and cool air descends so with that the sides do not form an airtight seal with the roof and a certain amount of fresh air enters that way without losing heat or having cold air enter unless a strong wind blows it in.
There are vented Catalytic heaters made that have a fan to vent it and if the camper was very airtight they sure would be a good idea but for our application was not needed, I was going to only use the diesel coolant heater for heat but we really like the little cat heater for its efficiency and quiet operation and that it feels like a little fireplace to us.
I installed a Propex propane heater in my last vehicle which works like a house furnace bringing in combustion air and recirculating heated air and of course venting combustion air to the great outdoors, it was a great little unit but required electric power for the fan and had a limit if the voltage dropped too low=no heat unless I started the van
I thought all you needed to do to heat your rigs in Oz is to open a window??
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