Outside showers and campgrounds?


New member
Any issues with using the outside shower on a expedition trailer at a campground like Morro Bay? Grey water on the ground type situation. I'm sure rinsing off wouldn't be a problem but maybe shampoos would be bad idea?



New member
Any issues with using the outside shower on a expedition trailer at a campground like Morro Bay? Grey water on the ground type situation. I'm sure rinsing off wouldn't be a problem but maybe shampoos would be bad idea?


Great question, those shampoos are toxic.

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You can get a drain pan for your shower. Folds up pretty small in case a campground ever requires it. I've been to a handful that have had that as a requirement. Outside showers and campgrounds are always a little iffy anyways. If it's necessary to take a shower and they don't have a shower house for you to use, go for it. But if it's not necessary, and you don't smell too bad, and there are other campers left right and behind you, well, up to you.



Well-known member
I doubt there is specific policy against it but I agree that shampoo probably isn’t good for the local ecology. Sunscreen washing off in the ocean is also a problem in confined areas like bays. Maybe look for mild soaps for camping? Perhaps dr bronner castile soap?


Toxic is a pretty strong term, just what is it toxic to besides dirt in your hair?

There’s a lot of chemicals used in shampoos and soaps that are toxic. Most are not biodegradable and will not breakdown naturally. Some lead to increased algae growth in water, some are straight up toxic to aquatic life.


40 years ago at my friends cottage his mother purchased biodegradable shampoo so the hoard of teenagers that invaded their cabin could clean up in the lake rather than overload the plumbing. do they not make it anymore?


Some shampoos are biodegradable. I think Burt's Bees offers some, but I'll bet a quick search online will yield a few as there are definitely soap options.


There are biodegradable soaps and shampoos sold at every camping supply store or website. It just seemed silly and overly dramatic to me to make a warning about toxic shampoo. The original premise of the thread was about showering in a campsite around other campers and I doubt that shower residue would be on the list of most toxic things being dumped on the ground there. I would be a lot more concerned about making a muddy mess in a confined area and having my water drain towards some other persons space.


The OP had a legit question... most campsites to not want or allow dumping of grey water. So I "assume" outdoor showers would be out if soaps involved? I would also guess just washing off is OK?


Well-known member
There are biodegradable soaps and shampoos sold at every camping supply store or website. It just seemed silly and overly dramatic to me to make a warning about toxic shampoo. The original premise of the thread was about showering in a campsite around other campers and I doubt that shower residue would be on the list of most toxic things being dumped on the ground there. I would be a lot more concerned about making a muddy mess in a confined area and having my water drain towards some other persons space.
Toxicity levels are related to quantity as well. One person dumping shampoo on the ground might not have a noticeable effect, but multiple people on a daily basis over years might. If the OP wants to be careful about it, then good on him. The only reason that I weighed in is because I see what sunscreen has done to all the coral around Oahu compared to other pacific islands that don’t have tourists.

By the way, Morro Bay is my old stomping grounds. As teens, we used to have a joke gang sign. Fist and three fingers, three stacks and a rock.

Deleted member 9101

Do you really want to make a puddle at your campsite?

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