Overcentre Catches Help - AT Chaser Owners Maybe?


New member
Hi, I acquired a part finished trailer project second hand a few years ago which has been stored ever since. The tub of the trailer is very like that used on a AT chaser. The tub was already drilled to take catches but I and really struggling to find any that fit. When AT Chasers were available in the UK they had Ojop catches fitted, but these are different to my holes.

Before I have the holes welded up and re-drilled for the Ojop catches I thought I would reach out and see if anyone in the US knows what might fit or what is fitted to Chasers in the US?

Screen Shot 2017-09-24 at 17.11.21 by Philip Tonkin, on Flickr

Of course, these might not resemble anything at all and may have been an error in the original design so any feedback is welcomed!
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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
We did not suppply the hardware for the U.K. Manufactured Chasers, so I don't know what latch you have. We'd be happy to supply you with the latches we source here in the US. E-mail me at martyn@adventuretrailers.com with a shipping address and I'll work on an estimate for you.

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