Overkill Campers


Apparently, failure was the fault of the customers.

Who all is pursuing action? If there's a class, I'd like to join. 10 cents on the dollar is better than zip.



Active member
Apparently, failure was the fault of the customers.

Who all is pursuing action? If there's a class, I'd like to join. 10 cents on the dollar is better than zip.

View attachment 786033

Amazing how none of the problems were their fault, from the defects and failure to properly address them, to taking money to pay for other peoples' builds, to the poor attitude of the owner(s) towards anyone that questioned their practices...simply amazing how every niche trailer company went under due to the same prob...oh wait, the other companies didn't go under. The ones that know how to build and support their products along with being able to run a company are still around.

Anyone else hear of any other companies that are in the same boat as OverKill? No? Me either...


Amazing how none of the problems were their fault, from the defects and failure to properly address them, to taking money to pay for other peoples' builds, to the poor attitude of the owner(s) towards anyone that questioned their practices...simply amazing how every niche trailer company went under due to the same prob...oh wait, the other companies didn't go under. The ones that know how to build and support their products along with being able to run a company are still around.

Anyone else hear of any other companies that are in the same boat as OverKill? No? Me either...

Umm... OverKill is hardly an outlier. Moby1 and Four Leaf Clover Fab are two recent ones that jump to mind, I'm sure there are others.


Active member
Umm... OverKill is hardly an outlier. Moby1 and Four Leaf Clover Fab are two recent ones that jump to mind, I'm sure there are others.

Never heard of Moby1 and what I've read about Four Leaf Clover it's not surprising, seemed like another poorly-run business venture by someone that knew how to build trailers but had no idea how to run a business.

My point is that well-run companies are able to traverse temporary issues much better than companies run by people that don't know what they're doing and end up screwing customers waiting on products. OverKill's issues go back many years and their announcement posted above is a shining example of them taking zero responsibility for the problems they caused themselves. To suggest that randos on the internet just didn't like them and wanted to ruin the manufacturing agreement they made is BS, that company didn't do their due-diligence and were contacted by OverKill's customers that got burned warning them about who they're getting into bed with.

I think OverKill's trailers were awesome in design and I even considered them when we were researching which trailer we wanted to order, but it was a quick "no" once I dug into the company and read all the horror stories about shoddy construction, poor repairs, and non-existent communication. Those problems are not COVID's fault. They're not internet randos' fault. The only ones they have to blame for that are themselves, but they didn't acknowledge any of their shortcomings in their announcement. It was simply everyone else's fault. There's no defense for that attitude.

EDIT: Moby1 was another company with a poor record and had lawsuits filed against them before filing for bankruptcy. I feel like your post was pointing out other awful companies and not pointing out other companies that succumbed to problems caused by external forces out of their control. Of the 3 companies in your post all 3 are/were extremely poorly run with numerous complaints. Not a single one was a well-regarded company producing quality products that ended up failing as a business due to no fault of their own.
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Uncle Jeffy

New member
Umm... OverKill is hardly an outlier. Moby1 and Four Leaf Clover Fab are two recent ones that jump to mind, I'm sure there are others.
Do not forget Inka



I'm sorry for all the people that got taken advantage of, but it's a shame to see this design go to waste. There is nothing else quite like it, they should license/sell the design to a company better set up for production, pay people back, and move on.


Well-known member
I'm sorry for all the people that got screwed, but it's a shame to see this design go to waste. There is nothing else quite like it, they should license/sell the design to a company better set up for production, pay people back, and move on.

Not sure what is so unique about this design? Maybe the slide? Never liked slides myself. If God wanted a trailer to get wider....

You may be on to something. If they sold the design they could avoid bankruptcy and pay back all the hard working folks that the stoled money from?


Active member
Not sure what is so unique about this design? Maybe the slide? Never liked slides myself. If God wanted a trailer to get wider....
The entire trailer was a great design and maximized usable space.
You may be on to something. If they sold the design they could avoid bankruptcy and pay back all the hard working folks that the stoled money from?
The problem with Overkill since day 1 was they were always trying to change the trailer and its components. Instead of making one production model, they always wanted to upgrade a feature of trailer. I could list 20 items Dave changed since the first one. I was going to purchase his first one back in 2018, but gave up after waiting 3 years. Lucky for me I got my deposit back.


Active member
Not sure what is so unique about this design? Maybe the slide? Never liked slides myself. If God wanted a trailer to get wider....

You may be on to something. If they sold the design they could avoid bankruptcy and pay back all the hard working folks that the stoled money from?

The design is only valuable if it's patented, IMO. If it's not patented then there's nothing stopping another company from copying it and/or improving it and selling products based on it. I don't know what Overkill's current financial liabilities are, but I suspect they are far in excess of whatever the design is worth.


The design is only valuable if it's patented, IMO. If it's not patented then there's nothing stopping another company from copying it and/or improving it and selling products based on it.
Not entirely true.

Imagine the time and money saved if you could simply buy the already designed product vs having to reverse engineer? They wouldn't get near as much for it as they would if it were patented, but I'm guessing they could sell the design or license it.


Active member
Not entirely true.

Imagine the time and money saved if you could simply buy the already designed product vs having to reverse engineer? They wouldn't get near as much for it as they would if it were patented, but I'm guessing they could sell the design or license it.

I'm not suggesting the design is worthless, but I don't see it being valuable (worth a lot of money, enough to allow Overkill to satisfy their debts/commitments) either. I'm also not sure I'd want to be seen as a company that couldn't design something just as good or better than the product from a defunct company. Part of building a product you can be proud of is knowing that you designed it yourself.

If there were a cult following and demand for the product and the goal was to keep that community alive and growing that would also be a reason to pick up the design.


Never heard of Moby1 and what I've read about Four Leaf Clover it's not surprising, seemed like another poorly-run business venture by someone that knew how to build trailers but had no idea how to run a business.

My point is that well-run companies are able to traverse temporary issues much better than companies run by people that don't know what they're doing and end up screwing customers waiting on products. OverKill's issues go back many years and their announcement posted above is a shining example of them taking zero responsibility for the problems they caused themselves. To suggest that randos on the internet just didn't like them and wanted to ruin the manufacturing agreement they made is BS, that company didn't do their due-diligence and were contacted by OverKill's customers that got burned warning them about who they're getting into bed with.

I think OverKill's trailers were awesome in design and I even considered them when we were researching which trailer we wanted to order, but it was a quick "no" once I dug into the company and read all the horror stories about shoddy construction, poor repairs, and non-existent communication. Those problems are not COVID's fault. They're not internet randos' fault. The only ones they have to blame for that are themselves, but they didn't acknowledge any of their shortcomings in their announcement. It was simply everyone else's fault. There's no defense for that attitude.

EDIT: Moby1 was another company with a poor record and had lawsuits filed against them before filing for bankruptcy. I feel like your post was pointing out other awful companies and not pointing out other companies that succumbed to problems caused by external forces out of their control. Of the 3 companies in your post all 3 are/were extremely poorly run with numerous complaints. Not a single one was a well-regarded company producing quality products that ended up failing as a business due to no fault of their own.

I think that we're coming at this from different sides of the same coin and I probably missed the sarcasm in your post I originally quoted.


New member
Dave Poe and Brandon Pink are now operating under https://epikrv.com/

The financial controller at Xtreme Outdoors even went as far to LIE to everyone when asked if there was a current manufacturing agreement with Dave Poe. Her response was " I am the financial controller for the whole company I would know if there was an agreement "

You can see the cheapened version of the old Overkill product, once again they are taking deposits and they don't even have a completed trailer yet.
You can see the new registration of their company Adventure Series Rv LLC with an address the same as Xtreme Outdoors.

The last punch in the face was Brandon Pink built a trailer out of the last of their parts and make a shady backdoor deal with a fellow named Elliot Vance out of Texas to come buy the camper cash while bypassing everyone in line for a camper who was out money. Also cam to light Scott at Rove rentals had been getting priority placement in line and kick backs for getting customers to put down deposits and moving them ahead of others that had been waiting


New member
Dave Poe and Brandon Pink are now operating under https://epikrv.com/

The financial controller at Xtreme Outdoors even went as far to LIE to everyone when asked if there was a current manufacturing agreement with Dave Poe. Her response was " I am the financial controller for the whole company I would know if there was an agreement "

You can see the cheapened version of the old Overkill product, once again they are taking deposits and they don't even have a completed trailer yet.
You can see the new registration of their company Adventure Series Rv LLC with an address the same as Xtreme Outdoors.

The last punch in the face was Brandon Pink built a trailer out of the last of their parts and make a shady backdoor deal with a fellow named Elliot Vance out of Texas to come buy the camper cash while bypassing everyone in line for a camper who was out money. Also cam to light Scott at Rove rentals had been getting priority placement in line and kick backs for getting customers to put down deposits and moving them ahead of others that had been waiting

Curious how this came to light? Are you engaged in litigation with overkill?


New member
I was the one who called Xtreme RV and spoke with financial controller. She was adamant about not knowing anything about a new line of trailers, or re-tooling current mfg line equipment for a new production run. I have had issues with my OK trailer and left messages with Brandon ref warranty repairs. It been crickets for over two weeks. I would NOT purchase anything they are involved in. I could post pages of trailer issues. And Im not the only OK trailer owner experiencing these.

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