Hey no worries! Thanks for the positive feedback! Life is a journey right? We all do it our own way but it is still a journey.
I find when I am down (unmotivated or whatever) that I just think about what I have done before. I started my landscape business when I was 26yrs old. It was very successful. I learned a lot on that journey, more than I can describe here. I take what I learned and know and apply it to something new. For me the key(s) are to stay positive, focused and motivated. I don't have a family, mortgage and all the things most people my age have. So if and when I feel down I tell myself, hey man you are ahead of the game, do it! It can be incredibly hard but through self reflection as well as respect for others I can achieve my goals.
At my age I am no super star, no master of anything, I am just a guy who is willing to toss it all into the wind and go for it. Come hell or high water I will fail or succeed and either way it is a lesson, a learning experience. If I end up broke in Brazil or something, hey at least I gave it my all and tried with everything I have. I am not looking to inspire anybody, I am on a personal journey. Perhaps maybe through by my adventure-journey others will feel able to go for it and chase their dreams. I like to tell myself, what one man-woman can do another can do. It is all in your mind. It doesn't matter if that is true or not, it is how you-me use these kinds of things to succeed. And hey last thing, success for me is not success for somebody else. It is about perspective and the personal journey. My success or failure is my own. I am getting a bit philosophical now but to me what matters most in life is to be happy, chase the dreams and live life to the fullest. We only live once depending on your belief so take risks and do what you love to do. More than anything at the end of my life I plan to look back and say, I am happy with what I did and achieved. I am content. Rather than the opposite.
Cheers and thanks for your comments.