I was there just for the day on Saturday, my first time. I wanted to look at offroad trailers so I had a pretty good experience. I was able to see Patriot, Off Grid, Boreas, Mission Overland, Escapod, Escapade, Hiker, Kimberley, Overkill, Taxa, Xpedition and maybe a couple of others. I did not see Opus though I think they were supposed to be there, and I wanted to see TetonX but they were not exhibiting. Maybe there were some other different ones in the camping area but I didn't have the energy to dive in there.
I was also looking at roof tents so there were plenty for me to look at, and while it wasn't likely I'd stretch to James Baroud I wanted to see what justifies the price, but they didn't show up.
I thought the food situation was abysmal. I expected there to be lines so I packed snacks but I was surprised to see what, 2 food trucks with 50 people in line at each? I'd go fully self catering next time.
I agree with the earlier comment that it was a shame that there weren't more smaller item vendors, but for me it was well worth going and I'm very glad I did, because here in the northeast it's very hard to actually see and feel these items in real life. I learned a lot that you just can't get from YouTube, and ultimately came away with some firmer thoughts on which direction I want to go with trailer setup. For all the small items, it'll be back to YouTube and it's less of a problem if the occasional mistake happens.
Lastly, there were several occasions where I was walking past someone who had a particular piece of equipment (not exhibiting, just an owner) and a "how are you getting on with...?" question turned into a 10 or 20 minute conversation. Without a single exception EVERYONE was super friendly.