Ain't nothin wrong with nice bumpers, winches, roof racks, RTT's, etc..... But some A'holes think you can't possibly be serious about wheeling without those things. And all that stuff better be brand new in the biggest name brand. Now, I got all those things on my rig. Even more than that. Although I don't think you could call mine an "expo rig". But my stuff is all old or used or cheap. I love Craigslist. I spend what I can stand. I drive what I can easily afford (and actually like to drive). A lot of those things, when used properly, really make boon- docking more enjoyable. And that crap looks really cool on your vehicle. Who doesn't like mud tires and winches? But if you think your better than me cause you got it, or somehow have more fun than I'm happy for the guy with the newest and baddest, best equipped, most costly rig around. It's awesome that some can afford that. Maybe someday I'll get in shape to be that guy. And as long as that guy has a helpful way, and is only out for the memories, and good times without being a doosher' .....I say camp on!