Overland Vagabond - Cool Ford Ranger / Geocar build


New member
Hi there,

This is to say hello to the forum that two years ago helped me understand what Overlanding was about!

I’ve quit my job and cut short my career to become a full-time Overlander, and I've opted to document on various channels our adventures, misfortunes, and experiences whilst on the journey - a multi-year odyssey planned to start in a few months. In the meantime, I’m sharing through my videos the preparation works, and in particular the build of the vehicle that we will drive.

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Raw build - Before rendering and transformation

I've posted a series of videos on my YouTube Channel documenting my build, and it would be great to welcome you there. You can watch all the Season 0 videos posted so far, and you can also Subscribe to get notified of the upcoming episodes.

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Season 0 Episodes - Posted and upcoming

Depending on your preferences, I'm also active on the following platforms - would be cool to connect there:
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Twitter
- Patreon

The last one (Patreon) is a closed group of supporters that amongst other enjoy to watch video clips, which I can NOT publish to the general audience on YouTube.

Thank you!


New member
Hi there,

Here a few pics of the Overland Vagabond vehicle transformation:

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Initial state - Autumn 2016

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Permanent removal of loading bay

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New EMU suspensions and shocks

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Porthole to the cabin

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Cell build - not yet adapted to Ranger

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Very first marriage

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New member

Next set of pics:

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Modelling the juncture Ranger-Cell

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Cell painted, ready for installation

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Precision work - don't let it fall!

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Better boots - will be mounted only at the end

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Need to make some room for the new boots

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Raw state, before rendering and transformation begins

For more details, pics, clips and explanations, please visit my YouTube channel and watch all the posted Season 0 Episodes - thanks!

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New member
As hind sight is always 20/20 why not have the upgraded tires on prior to body finish and paint?
Thanks for your question, PPCLI_Jim!

I may not have been accurate in my comment... Fact is that the entire design and build has been done with the target 285/75R16 BFG AT tires, but for 'street legality' reasons in the country I'm living, I will be mounting them only prior to our departure - a very long journey across continents. Hence, all the pictures will show only the stock tires, at least for now...


New member
Hi there,

Here a few new pictures pertaining to the exterior build.

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Masking for the paint job

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Drying in the paint chamber

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Custom fenders adapted to the new tires

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Custom rear bumper... functions also as compressed air tank

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Installing the custom front bumper

For the full video, please click on my latest Episode 08 - Exterior Build: Finally we see what's going to look like.


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