Overlanding ~ When a Black Cat Crosses Your Path


Disabled Explorer
I guess mr murphy & his family came to visit me over the weekend & wouldn't leave

thoughts came to mind: what did I do to deserve this....

first it was this, then the camp stove, & air mattress

if it weren't for bad luck, I've have no luck

which made me really rethink all of my overlanding abilities & limitations due to my physical injury

& I gave Lynn $$ for gas & a set of box wrenches that went from 1 5/8 to 2 1/2 inches for all of his efforts since he told me that he was a mechanic & I knew I would never use these again, I got the help I needed & he got some wrenches

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Some trips just seem to be .... if it can go wrong, it does. It make you really appreciate those trips when it all goes right. Making the best of any situation is a life lesson that my kids learned long ago and always find that silver lining. Hopefully everything will get fixed and you won't have those issues anymore.

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