Own a clean 100-Series near Las Vegas? Want some free gear?

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
To you 100-Series owners,

Adolf Waidelich, the director of African Outback Products in Johannesburg, just emailed me. He has a booth at SEMA and needs a very clean 100-Series Land Cruiser to display products, including a roof tent, awning, and various other accessories. It's high-quality stuff - the African Outback Technitop won Overland Journal's first roof tent test. He needs the vehicle from October 30 to November 7. The company is negotiating with a new North American distributor at the moment.

In return, he'll give the owner the following (from his email to me):

The roof rack with half rail
Single or Double Jerry Can Holder
Spade bracket with spade
Aluminum camping table mounted under roof rack
Hi-Lift Jack bracket
Axe mounting bracket
Spare Wheel Bracket

Sounds like a deal to me. Anyone who's interested, please PM me.
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To you 100-Series owners,

Adoph Waidelich, the director of African Outback Products in Johannesburg, just emailed me. He has a booth at SEMA and needs a very clean 100-Series Land Cruiser to display products, including a roof tent, awning, and various other accessories. It's high-quality stuff - the African Outback Technitop won Overland Journal's first roof tent test. He needs the vehicle from October 30 to November 7. The company is negotiating with a new North American distributor at the moment.

In return, he'll give the owner the following (from his email to me):

The roof rack with half rail
Single or Double Jerry Can Holder
Spade bracket with spade
Aluminum camping table mounted under roof rack
Hi-Lift Jack bracket
Axe mounting bracket
Spare Wheel Bracket

Sounds like a deal to me. Anyone who's interested, please PM me.

So we need to drop off the truck at SEMA?


Awesome opportunity for someone! Wish I could part with my truck for a week, only about a 6 hour drive to Sin City...:smiley_drive:


Expedition Leader
I'd love to hear how this turns out so I subscribed in case there is further news and pics.:costumed-smiley-007


Ive got a 100 in vegas...It has the AO drawers, roof rack, axe/spade/double jerry can/high lift mounts. I just need the half rack and RTT.


Ive got a 100 in vegas...It has the AO drawers, roof rack, axe/spade/double jerry can/high lift mounts. I just need the half rack and RTT.

Seriously Loud, You really don't need anything else.

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