shoot! I didn't realize a thread had already started! :Wow1: ...sorry, y'all.
boy, what a trip! We certainly went through quite a bit this last weekend. Our preparation, experience and knowledge was truly put to the test. There wasn't much we didn't encounter along the way. We used just about everything in our recovery arsenal to keep moving. Ultimately, the landslide was the only obstacle we couldn't conqueror. A crew of 10-20, or better yet, a
bulldozer would have been needed. And with all the work, we retired each night w/some fantastic food served by a master chef!
despite that I was still recovering from an upper-respiratory infection and losing my voice half the time

, I still managed to continue on. I'm not sure if I would've made it if Neal hadn't offered some of his meds! Consequently, I didn't work as hard as I wanted at times. However, this gave me more opportunity behind the camera and a means of showing the rest of you what we went through in more detail.
overall, the recon was successful. We scouted a good portion of the route originally planned. And to think we still only covered a small fraction of what the Ozarks has to offer! Amazing. I look forward to sharing a big part of our experiences with you all next year. It's definitely going to be one you won't want to miss!
the first day started out great. My first stop for fuel and who do I run into? One of my friends heading to Hot Springs! As you can see, he has one very nice Land Cruiser. He was going to Superlift for this trip (and his son was riding in the back seat!). He might be joining us in the spring...
we started the first day on a trail (blue) alongside the route we took in October (red).
We came across a steep hill heading-up to the power lines we just had to tackle. We had some time to kill before Mike showed-up, so why not?! It proved to be rather technical.
on the way down, we noticed the trail continued-on across a small crossing. We decided to check it out.
the trail wrapped-around and we hopped back on the main route after making this crossing...