Availability would be the number one concern for me. We see pictures of them in some stores, entire rows of shelves in some cases, yet other stores have never seen one (including employees I have shown the website page). And if stores have them, why is the online store so hit and miss? And the online availability email notification does not work.
It seems that you are involved w/ the company that builds these vs Walmart's overall merchandise plan but I for one ended up buying a RTIC because I couldn't wait around wondering when the Ozark Trail Roto cooler would be available. Even though RTIC took awhile to receive, I knew I had it on order and just had to wait. With Walmart I was either stopping to their stores (3 in my area) every couple of days or trying online and it was like trying to win the lottery. In the end, the trips to the stores stopped (not conveniently located for me) as no sense in burning up the savings in fuel and so I bought one from someone that I knew at least allowed me to do so.
FWIW, if you have an option to pass that along to those that make those decisions that would be great for those still looking for one.
Hey pyrate, you're right in that stocking and availability decisions are more on Walmart's side of things, but I will definitely pass on your comments and the other comments I've seen here about stock and availability to my team who work with the folks at Walmart.
As for the online store, an alternative tool that I have used in the past has been visualping.io <- It's a free tool that will email you whenever a selected area of a webpage changes. (Such as the area that shows the price and "out of stock"). Though I have found sometimes I get pings when minor changes to the pages are made as well. But it might be a good idea to use both Walmart's email notifications and the visualping.
Thanks again for your input, it's comments like these that help smooth out the growing pains when it comes to bringing a product like this to the market.
Well, it leaks like a sieve too until you put teflon tape on the threads...
I bought a brass cap and it leaked too. Worse. And sweated even more. I'm guessing that the threads are just ever-so-slightly too small and get even smaller when they're cooled. Could use a softer gasket too.
Thanks for joining the forum and getting in our discussion!
If our feedback leads you do a better drain cap, please contact me --- I'd really appreciate it. The leak has warped the wood of my shelf in my trailer and I'll need to replace it at some point.

I have the 52, btw.
I'm reaching out to the design team right now to see if they have any tips or tricks for the drain. Also, if the drain continues to leak or you feel the cap is defective, definitely feel free to reach out to our support team (service(at)ca-innovations(dot)com) and they can see what they can do about sending out a new one.
Hope that helps!
Thanks again guys for your feedback!
Also, if anyone is interested I'd like to share with you guys what I shared with the TacomaWorld forum a few days ago:
We've decided to put together an Advisory Committee of roto cooler users.
Roto Cooler Advisors will have the opportunity to speak with our design team directly and potentially get product in the future to test (and keep). Basically, we've created this committee to learn what your ideal cooler looks like so we can build the best one for you! We want to hear more about how you use your roto cooler.
If you are interested, or know someone that would be, here's a link (it should only take around 1 minute to fill out):
surveymonkey(dot)com/r/RotoCoolerAdvisors (replace the (dot) with . )
Thanks again,