Pajero Mk1 Tourer build-up


Well, the chop has begun... I am committed, no backing out now. LOL

Pretty straight forward to chop, pulled all the wiring out. and dropped my second fuel tank to make the cut.

We started at about 1pm and had the back of the body sitting on the ground by 5. It would of been quicker, but there is a video that goes with this and filming takes a while to setup ad get the shots right.

A good day. mixed it with beer and a bbq too, a lot of fun was had. Many thanks to those who showed up to help

With all the doors pulled off:

Starting to mark it out:

I used plumb lines to line the cuts up. a bit tricky on slightly curved surfaces. but I had my 1m ruler to help make sure it was all straight and square.. this was a measure 8 times deal. haha

Time to cut:
photos coming soon

After the cut!!!

Nice straight cuts:

The sills and roof support:

The frame with the body off, it was very clean. impressed for a 90 model. haha.



it was surprisingly easy to hack into it actually.

I cut it with a 5" grinder and 1mm cutting discs, allows for clean straight lines vs trying to man handle a 9" or something


The main tank is a 132L replacement made by 4wdsystems 900 for the tank or 850 with shipping i thought.. I live in Oz though, so cheap shipping

The aux tank is 52L made by long range automotive, 1500 for that setup, comes with all the transfer gear.


Expedition Leader
What aux tank? Not in the cut pics...

As for the prices, yeah, much more than I'm willing to spend. I'll stick with extra Jerry cans instead. Thanks!


Alrighty, time for that update with the cut photos I was talking about.

And BAM its off

I am heading back to Canada for 4 weeks for vaca so for now... she sleeps



Alright, Back from Canada. was a good month off.
been a bit of a slow start. jsut sorting a mig welder out to start tacking it together.

I began today making templates for the front of the rear doors to fill the gap after the hinges are gone and hold it in place.

How wierd do the doors look hanging there..

pulled all the gear out of the door so I can begin cutting the panels for fitting.

Another cut line:

pulled off a cover and found some orignal untouched paint. love the colour:


A little more done today, but some of my tools have gone walk-about... i know where they are and why they are there... but they shouldnt be there anymore... ugghhh i need a lock on my garage.

dropped the fuel tank, Will do a full inspection for cracks to see how it is holding up as some of the welds on install were questionable for me. its also a ***** to drop by yourself. Also removed the rear cut springs and will remove the axle once my air tools are back home too.

And I got one door cut to size, well close, the outer sheet is still to long but I will wait to cut that once I have stripped more from the back half for corners so there is no mistakes.



I picked up a foxwing awning for the rig recently. I used to have jsut a square type side awning now I will have one that wraps around the vehicle for better shade coverage.


Size: the old awning was jsut a 2.5M long by 2M out from the rig


Link for more info:

Got mine form a mate with the sand bags, side walls, screens and some other gear. Will be nice to have shade all day without having to move the rig around.

The cool thing I will add is that you can push the outter legs higher than the part closest to the car and it has a drain system with a funnel so you can catch rain water from that huge surface and refill your water tanks. which for where I end up is a great thing. cause if it rains I may be stuck for a few days.

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